Perhaps the reason for the different dating experiences of men and women who are 50+ is due to the shorter life span of men? As a generation ages more men than women will die, so the proportion of females will increase.
If you go back far enough, you find that last names were quite fluid, changing with a persons circumstances. Many people took the name of the farm that they worked, and could be known by several last names over the course of their lives. It can be interesting to look at your origins as long as...
Indeed, I recall the outhouse at the Harvard cabin on Mt Washington in January. Aside from the usual unpleasantness of using such facilities, you had to deal with a frozen stalagmite that daily inched its way towards the surface.
English is a Germanic language, even with all the words borrowed from other languages. I have heard that while it is possible to construct a sentence using only Germanic words, it is not possible to construct one that does not use at least one Germanic word.
The Boys From Marketing have been at it since at least the year 985, when Eric the Red convinced a bunch of suckers to go live on a barren ice covered wasteland by naming it "Greenland".
When there is a surplus of any produce, they will try to find creative ways to market the excess. This happened a few years ago with cranberries. You can only make so much cranberry sauce, so things like "craisins" started to appear in supermarkets, along with cranberry muffins etc.
Daylight saving time lasts abut one month too long. In October I get up when it is pitch black, drive an hour to work and it is still dark. I enjoy each season in turn, but I handle cold better than heat, so I do prefer Autumn and Winter.
One of the more interesting experiences I have had while traveling in Europe was watching Our Gang shorts dubbed into Italian. Very bizarre to see the kids speaking in rapid fire Italian, unintelligible to me except for the occaisional "Spanky" or "Buckwheat"!
People look into their genealogy hoping to find someone illustrious or even royalty. They are more likely to find peasants, which to me is more honorable.
Also consider that as you go back in time, the number of your ancestors increases exponentially, while the total world population decreases. At some point, the lines intersect, leading to the conclusion that we are all inbred and/or that we are all related.
Even if you have the right to do something, it isn't necessarily a good idea to do it. I am not suggesting that everyone be as reticent as I am ( 67 posts in 6 years ), but it's a good idea to think over what you have written before hitting the post or send button.
And as already noted, this is...
I used to listen to Jean Shepherd on WOR back in the 70s. Although he insisted his stories were fiction, some of the places and people in his stories were real, or thinly veiled versions of reality. He lived for a while not far from me, and I saw several performances he gave in Clinton NJ.
It's a two way street: you are free to point to the sky after getting a base hit, and I am free to express the opinion that it is silly. Neither one is infringing the rights of the other.
In town there's a pretty young lass
Who has a remarkable ass
It is not round and pink, like you would think
It's the kind with four legs and eats grass
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