Indeed, some of them have a following today. Although the term "autointoxication" is no longer used, the concept Is still in use among some of the people who believe frequent enemas are the foundation of good health.
That was Dr Spitzvogel, practitioner of the "Handhabung Therapeutik". The treatments portrayed in The Road to Wellville, bizzare as they may seem, we're not fiction and were in vogue in the early 1900s.
Since my filing system consists of piles of paper stacked all around my office, and I use a fan in hot weather, I have numerous pieces of brass scrap metal performing as improvised paperweights.
Absolutely true! I have two cats, and their personalities are polar opposites. Bianca is curious and outgoing, while Patches is shy but also vey affectionate. Any time we have visitors, Bianca will come to see what is going on, while Patches will hide under the bed. Bianca is the calico-tabby:
Dogs have been domesticated longer than cats have. Also, dogs have been adapted to many uses, but cats main job has always been to catch and kill vermin. This, I believe, accounts for their more independent nature.
Compare a dog to it's parent species, the wolf, and see how much we have altered...
I used to listen to WBCQ on my Hammarlund HQ 129, until it went on the fritz. Since I have "more important" things to see to, repairs will have to wait. Who is still broadcasting on SW? In years past, there were Deutsche Welle, Radio Nederland, VOA, the ever present Radio Moscow and many more...
This thread seems to be veering away from the trivial, so to get back on track:
Shoelaces that won't stay tied unless you double knot them, or are so long that that double knotting is needed to keep them a reasonable length.
Insurance companies are in business to make profits, not to provide health care. They can increase their profits by either increasing premiums or decreasing coverage. Either way, you are screwed.
That looks like an updated version of this one. It's 18 x 12 inches, the smallest of the Swiss salt & pepper rucksacks, and nearly impossible to obtain
Ask an oceanographer and they will tell you that 70% of the world is virtually unexplored.
That being said, space and the ocean depths are an alien enviornent, discoveries there lack something when compared to finding a new continent, or even a small island.
The loss of technical ability is real, and very much apparent in my field, high power RF. This field reached its zenith in the post war years. I was fortunate that my career overlapped with those of the engineers who started out at that time. While I learned a lot from them, it was only a...
This was my experience with kindergarten exactly, socialization being the main purpose, with academic learning a minimal component. This is what it was originally intended for.
In the second grade (1965), I did have homework, but not a lot. Even in high school, it rarely took as much as an hour to dispose of my homework assignments. There is something between inhumane amounts of homework and none at all.
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