I have only been in one casino, when I was at an IEEE symposium in Atlantic City. In order to get to the restaurant you had to go through a large hall filled with slot machines, being played largely by grandmotherly looking women. The din of all the electronic noise that those machines made and...
I was put under ether once, when I was 7 years old and had my tonsils removed, but it made a lasting impression. Any time I have to use starting fluid , it all comes back to me. I have an MGB, so I always keep some handy.
Most people claim that it is a form of entertainment. For me, I could get the same effect as I would in a casino, and not have to leave home, by putting dollar bills into a paper shredder.
The rotten egg smell of the slag heaps in Bethlehem PA.
We once had a dog that liked to kill groundhogs, let them ripen in the sun a few hours, and then joyously roll around in the remains.
Those devices were often poorly shielded and could put out far more radiation than needed. It was less of a problem for the customers than the sales staff who received a daily dose of X rays.
When I hear music from my youth, I usually listen to it even though I don't particularly like most of the music from that era. It is because that music, even if I despise it, cues me into some very specific memories. The memories are preferrable to what prompted them.
The local bank. Every town used to have a " first ntional bank of xxxx".In my town, the bank was founded in the 1860s, and lasted until the 1970s, when it went through a series of mergers, and today is now owned by Wells Fargo.
We once had a cat that liked to catch snakes and bring them alive into the house. Since then our cats have been indoors only. My sister had a cat that would try to kill anything it encountered outdoors, but would sit passively and watch mice running about indoors. He would try to go after...
The main criticism of my writing where I work is that I am too "terse". Maybe that is a strength here! I for one enjoy the way conversations meander about. It is to this forum like improvisation is to jazz.
The devil is in the details. While the overall budget for an agency may increase, you need to find specifically what happened to the budget for enforcement within that agency.
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