Mozart was composing music by age 5. If you are worried about developing your child into some kind of genius, by Kindergarten that train has left the station. Just relax and learn to cultivate the talents that they have, not the ones you wish they had.
Shopping online is convenient, and can offer a larger selection of merchandise. The downside is not being able to examine the goods, and paying high shipping costs. When possible, I like to "window shop" online and then purchase at a physical store.
When our Murphy's closed it started a downward spiral for our town. Lots of other factors involved, but Murphy's was a major draw for shopping. Without it, people had to go out of town for some things, so why not do it all at a shopping mall, even if it was 30 miles away.
Nope, barrels gotta be over 24" !
TD Springfields must have been in plentiful supply in that era, you could probably buy them by the gross from Bannerman's.
I recall reading that some of the rifles in the background of "Zulu" were actually bolt action rifles (Lee Enfield?) rather than the...
I can not recall any westerns in which soldiers were armed with trapdoor Springfield rifles.
In the movie Shenandoah, one did appear as a stand in for a muzzle loader in a civil war battle scene. Present where they shouldn't be, and absent where they ought to be.
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