Often we accept things the way they are because they have always been that way. It doesn't always stand up to scrutiny. The next generation has the privelege of blaming previous ones for the ills of the world.
And many women were quite willing to accept their second class status. I cant say that the rules of etiquette were intended to keep women in their place, but they would not have existed without women being considered weak and in need of protection.
There is also a distinction between etiquette...
Many rules of etiquette are arbitrary, there is nothing inherently rude about holding your fork in your left vs. right hand. They are merely shibboleths to separate "Us" from "Them".
Such rules of etiquette were based on the notion that women were the"weaker sex". So the intention was to protect them from the rigors of the world, at the cost of being considered a lesser human being.
You will hear similar lyrics in just about anything sung by Bessie Smith, and some of the tunes Jelly Roll Morton sang in his youth were obscene even by today's standards.
When I first started working in Princeton, there were a few people who remembered going to the Trenton Drive In in Robbinsville, where they encountered a young employee by the name of Ernie Kovacs.
In my home town, Washington NJ, the theater built in 1926 sits empty, and is in danger of...
Motorcycles look like fun, but I have heard too many bad stories to ever want one myself. My cousin's husband was hit broadside by a car making an illegal left turn, breaking his femur into multiple pieces. He required a lot of hardware and rehab, but eventually recovered. A former colleague of...
Anyone have an Akubra Plainsman? Any opinions or photos? I'm interested in this hat because it is rather different from most of the Akubra line, also my first hat was a similar style.
When my grandmother, in her 80s, went to visit her sister in Florida, she would complain that "there's nothing but old people here!". She did not see herself as part of that group.
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