My father, having survived combat in WW2, spent the rest of his life amazed that he was still alive. When he talked of his experiences, he emphasized that aside from the times when someone was trying to kill you, the life of a frontline soldier was one of misery: living in muddy holes which you...
Buying a book online will get you exactly what you were looking for. But the best part of browsing a book store was finding what I wasn't looking for.
And there is the card catalog in the library. My library did away with it 20 years ago. There are adults who have never even seen one, let alone...
China seems to have inherited that reputation. While there is a vast quantity of cheap junk produced there, there are some good quality items made in China.
I used to frequent a used book store, creaky wooden floors, book shelves from floor to ceiling, basement to attic. They have just recently closed and gone to internet sales. Barnes and Noble is the only book store around these days.
I frequently encounter the phrase assembled in America from foreign and domestic parts. To be labeled made in the US, it must contain "virtually all" domestic parts.
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