Nice one Twinkle, thanks. There have been a few threads about these jumpers but all the links have been to US dealers, so it's good to find a UK supplier.
I'll always recommend Rocacha Tailoring in London for repro trousers and suits. All the stuff is made to measure from vintage patterns and their Zoot trousers look, to me, to be the best repros available in the UK:
They're high waisted with twin pleats, what's known as a Hollywood waist...
Of course, that's exactly what's wrong with the repro 1933's: the single looping prong (a perfect description Doug). I never thought to perform surgery on the buckle, but shall go and do that now on the new pair. Prongs make perfect sense, as does Doug's and Mud's assumption that...
I had the same problem, and I pulled the cinch-belt back into place so often the buckle snapped. I replaced it with one that I bought in a local fabric shop and which holds the cinch-belt properly in place.
These are my everyday jeans - Dickies carpenter jeans that I bought for about $20 in Walmart while on holiday in Florida a few years ago:
They are high-waisted, reaching my navel, and while they are not as wide as the 1933 Levis shown above the leg is quite straight with not much of a taper...
I bought another pair of the LVC 1933 501XX today, and thought you'd all like to see a comparison between my old pair and this new pair. The old pair were bought dry in July 2001:
The new pair are also dry and were bought at an outlet shopping centre in Bicester, Oxfordshire for £90...
I've just started re-reading Neverwhere - the edition I have is the 2005 "Author's preferred text" version - and I'd forgotten that the BBC asked Gaiman to write a series for them, which became Neverwhere. He started writing the novel, on the day the BBC started shooting the series, because so...
I use Tresemme, only because my wife buys it, but that seems to clean out the Sweet Georgia Brown quite well. When I want to wash my hair - about every 4-5 days - I just scrub my hair with water under the shower and leave it gloop-free for a day, then wash it with shampoo the next day. I never...
I don't know if this has been done before, but here's a little game for us to play. Someone posts some lyrics to a song and the first person to guess the lyrics then has to post lyrics to a new song etc. etc. Let's keep the songs pre-1960, and try to make them reasonably well known. Post as many...
I forgot to reply to this. It's genetic, so the bad news is that once it starts to go that's it I'm afraid. I'm lucky: I'm on the downward slope to 49 and have been massaging gloop of some description into my hair for over 30 years, but I still have a full head of hair that, so far, shows no...
American Gods is excellent, and Anansi Boys was good as well, but Neverwhere is my favourite of his books, possibly because of the familiar London settings.
Those sideburns look much better now, but I'd go shorter at the back and get a fade into the longer hair at the top. I'll be getting mine trimmed this weekend so I'll try to get some photos to show you what I mean.
I liked that article too, but then I like Charlie Brooker anyway. And he's right about the Apple adverts - every time I watch one I cringe. Even having Mitchell and Webb in the UK versions doesn't make them any less cringe-worthy...
Can you tell us how you tried to, but couldn't, customise the UI on a Mac? What did you try doing to change the startup screen? What else did you try to change, but were unable to?
What happpened when you tried to upgade the RAM, video card, processor or hard drive on a Mac? And which model...
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