I was a Weblos and a Boy Scout in the late 60s early 70s. I got up to Second class working on First. Our school had a lot of boys in Scouts back then. You were either in Troop 90 (mine) or 170. It was alot of fun I really enjoyed it. It has gotten too PC these days though. It got to the point...
The movie I liked that had RAF "Kit" was 633 Squadron. As a kid I drooled over the Flying Helmets. Mosquito Bombers were also awesome to watch. Tora Tora Tora is a great flick especially the attack on Wheeler Field. It still amazes me that people didn't get killed filming those P-40s getting...
Burkes Law is on AMLIFE I watch it sometimes along with Voyage to the bottom of the Sea and Combat. It's a neat channel for us baby boomers I even saw an episode of the Green Hornet ! Last time I saw that show was when it came out in the 60s.
I think inheritance is one thing because you have a good idea of it's origin and family history. Buying something without knowing it's history is another I think. That is unless your Grandma Mable was an Axe murderer. It is just probably me though. I had a friend in Jr High whose parents owned...
I totally believe in that (my heritage) some things give off bad vibes. Funny this subject was brought up on another site (surplusfirearms). I once owned a Nazi armband as a kid and got rid of it a week later. Everytime I went into my room my first thought was where it was. I kept it in my...
I had a boss who was in Viet-Nam in 67 (Cat Lai) . He was a member of the "Spoon Platoon" and a General's driver. He told me he was lucky enough to drive Nancy around when she did a show there.
Did people really shoot that way back then like in the movies ? I always wondered if they did or it was Hollywood. I can't help but think of the muzzle blast. The accurracy would be hard also especially under great stress.
Nick, Vlad good points, when I see the footage of the Nuremberg Rallies I can see where it's not hard to get caught up in it all. Russian uniforms are practical period. The Russians did not screw around with frills. Their equipment always seem alien looking to me. Their DP MGs and their Mosins...
I had the chance as a kid to take a tour of the USS Bennington in Long Beach. A girl in our class (2nd or 3rd grade) had a father who was stationed on it back in '67-68. I clearly remember the elevators and the roll up doors. This was a WWII Carrier #20 as I remember. She told us the Bennington...
I agree that the Germans had great uniforms but along with the Russians they wore their medals in the field. Tanks were known as inverted foxholes, nobody liked being around an officer. Radioman forget that ! All were bullet magnets ! Why would anyone wear medals in the field ?
Hey that was Fred Mertz with that blonde tomato ! Wait till Ethel finds out ! The Girls at work always ask me why I don't dance . I used to say (really) you never see John Wayne dancing so you'll never see me ! I need a new line .
My next set of boots I'll try the neatsfoot oil. Not to downplay what Warbird said but if Martini did it it means his Sarge did. The Sarges Sarge did and down the line. It probably is harmful but it's what they did. It seems equipment now seems to be more expendable than it was. Flight Jackets...
I visited Manzanar on the way back from the High Sierras. I met an old man who said his friends were interned there. He was watching their propery till they were released. He told me to take a road back to other end of the camp. Back there he said was a graveyard where some of the internees were...
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