Probably an MG3 the West Germans were using them for awhile. They are now in .308 instead of the 8mm. I read some place that the Americans toyed around with the MG42 in 30-06. They came up with the M-60 which looks vaguely similar. The M-60 was a POS from what I read and from some Veterans that...
I know that the Japanese had a 1000 stitch belt that their loved ones would make. The women ask other women to put one stitch in a cloth belt till they had a total of a 1000. This was supposedly good luck for the soldiers. They worked as well as the Indian "Ghost Shirts" those weren't bullet...
Dostacos I know what you mean. I remember chasing Jack Rabbits and having those spines tacking my Levi's to my shin. It felt if somebody had stapled the denim to my legs.
VHS !? I still have a crap load of Beta tapes ! I refuse to get rid of them because I have alot of 80s music videos on them. I also have some cool documentries and rare 3 Stooges. I still have the Beta Player it doesn't work though. I spent 300.00 dollars on it - 80s dollars. I remember they had...
My Uncle worked on the Kwai RR during the war. He's still kicking it though he forgets our names now. My Dad told me when the movie came out my Uncle was irritated. My Uncle was upset that the movie made it seem like the Brits did it all. There were alot of nationalities there Thais...
I also caught that great show reminds me of a similar personal event in my life. Being a child I had no control over what my Dad did (I had half sisters he ran out on ). When I met my half sister she let a torrent of hate and frustration out on me. 40+ years of pent up rage was unleashed on me...
Aside the usual BOB and SPR both excellent. I really enjoy the War Year or post War movies. The reason is it still fresh and the mentality is still there.
1. Walk in the Sun
2. Guadalcanal Diary
3. Battle Ground
4. Merrill's Mauraders (1960s but awesome battle scenes)
5. Objective Burma...
I have some on CD I bought years ago I like the Kraft cheese commercials. They even tell you how many ration points they are. A different time and place.
Nice pics, what type of camera and film. Can one still find BW Film ? Last time I bought it was some 20 years ago. I would hide my Olympus OM-1 in a Gas Mask bag during Re-enactments. For some reason the shots just didn't look right.
The Veteran should have been more gracious. To be fair though what memories did that mess kit invoke ? I had a Boss at work who served as a door gunner in 'Nam. I gave him some paperbacks about what he did over there. As he accepted them I can see his hand shaking and his emotions.
I really...
Matrioshka nice pistols, Viet-Nam War trophies ? I wish I could have bought one of those pistols years ago. Chinese imported weapons are now banned my friends and I were buying 200.00 AKs, 90.00 SKSs and pistols were about 150.00 I believe. The Norinco .45s were a really good pistols. One guy I...
One thing I notice about "Vintage" photos, clothes never seem baggy enough.
I think most re-enactors fall into the "Tailored" look. With Officers I think it would be OK but the average "Grunt" no. Uniforms were worn weeks on end then turned in or destroyed. Uniforms were often salvaged from...
This was one of my favorite shows in the 70-80s . The "Simpsons" spoofed this on one of their Halloween Specials. There was a real creepy episode where a Wooden Toy Horse was looking for it's mate.
Ah the .45 vs 9mm debate still rages ! I'm partial to the ACP myself. Years ago my buddy owned a Luger. His was ammo sensitive maybe he was using reloads but that thing was always jamming. He also had a G-43 back then a beautiful rifle. Unfortunately shooting crappy Egyptian Ammo blew the slide...
Yes it was alluded to in the movie "Patton". I think the powers to be were nervous because of his stance on the Russians. One has to remember there was a vestige of the Old Army back then. I read a story once where an American Officer was told to shoot himself. This Officer ran when his troops...
Call your nearest indoor Shooting Range most Ranges have "Ladies Day" where they offer breaks on rentals. I taught my ex-wife how to shoot out in the Desert. She loved it she started out with a 9mm and .22 rifle . For self defense I would suggest a revolver they tend to be "Murphy Proof". If you...
Because of the freezing 40 degree weather (Hey it's Ca) I broke out my Field Jacket collection. I am finally going to really wear them instead of looking at them. So This week I wore Flectern, Austrian, DPM, French M-47 and a Norwegian M-43 wannabe. Next will be the M-42 Jump Jacket, Dennison...
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