I was at work once years ago and for some reason said " Call for Phillip Morris ! " My boss an old Navy man was rolling on the floor he was suprised I knew who "Little Johnny" was. I read about fuming Land Lords in England during the war coming to Bases demanding payment. It seems some of the...
Ragnar I read on Bandos web site (101 abn) on how a US Paratrooper on D-Day used a MP44, he called it a "Buck Roger" gun. I read years ago in SOF magazine about the MG-42s propensity to self destruct. They surmised it fired so fast that it would fire out of battery. Yep the Germans had some neat...
Hi I'm from the BATF ...... Chilling words for any re-enactor or Californian. Nice collection I like that crate of "Eihandgrenaten 39s" a little known piece of Ordinace like the P-38 it was overshadowed by its predecessor. Funny how when the Germans simplified things they ended up better.
Great series, touched on a lot of taboo subjects back then. " You big Dummy I'll give you 5 of these across yo lip !" I don't remember the hat but remember that drawer full of glasses .
The thing that really worries me is people are alot crazier than the 1930s. It seems people riot over the most stupid things nowadays. I remember the Watts riots as a kid and the Rodney King thing. Like most guys on this forum I have a historical interest in firearms. I have never in my life had...
Foofoogal no they weren't eating Friskies or 9 Lives. Raw Milk is called Cat Food because it was not cleared for Human Consumption. It was/is considered safe for Cats to drink. Considering Cats drink Anti-Freeze and die doesn't make sense either though.
The last time I was at Roberts was 1999-2000 a great showing then. They had a Bren Carrier and a Kraut Half Track. It was my first and last big battle. We had small battles back then mostly around Big Bear and the Boy Scout camp down here. It must be great now with the SPR and BOB crowd.
I've worked for Trader Joe's for 20 years so I've seen all sorts of fads. Organic is what our chain of stores is noted for. There is a saying I have if it's organic mark it up a dollar. It's up to your personal philosophy on life I guess. Me I'll eat anything I figure no matter how well you eat...
Yep loved that movie ! How can you not love running around with FN Rifles ? Every time I shoot mine I think of that Kolima Village scene. Ken Griffth RAF really !? The "straight man" on the Benny Hill show (forget his name) was also in the RAF.
I can still picture my boss at work in the late 70's. He would have a cup of vending machine coffee in one hand and a cig in the other. This was in a GROCERY STORE ! Geez try that today I'm too paranoid to smoke a stoge in a park. I'm old enough to remember Cig Ads on TV and them going for 50...
When I think of those berets I think of "Tosh" in the "Wild Geese" my all time favorite flick. It also appears in "Dogs of War" another Merc flick it seems to be associated with the professional soldier.
Interesting, the first color footage I saw was on PBS years ago. This was long before all this undiscovered color came out. It was George Stevens personal home movies he took during the war. I think is was called "From D-Day to Berlin" it's availible on DVD I believe. PBS also did a great...
:offtopic: Actually I read it on some gun forums, they mentioned a 500% tax on ammo. I went to the local Gunshow today boy it was crazy. I stood in the longest line than I can remember. Ammo was pricey but it was still being snapped up. I ran into some re-enactors there though (CHG) they even...
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