I also visited the Anne Frank house, that was back in '04. It was was really something to see. It was amazing to see her handwriting and her magazine cutouts pasted on the walls. The thing that really struck me was the thought of being cooped up. To look out the window and see the canal and not...
I bought a pair of French double buckle boots (WWII style) from Sportsman Guide and love them. I wore them without breaking them in, MISTAKE ! I wore them to work and suffered. I went home that night soaked my boots in warm water then stuck small coffee cans in to stretch out the ankles. This...
Justdog, I was wondering how were WWII issued wool cleaned ? It is obvious they did not sent their uniforms out for dry cleaning ! All repro uniform producers emphasize "Dry Clean only". I can see some Officer stationed in England but how about the average Joe ?
Growing up in So Cal in the 70s the required dress (74-77 HS) was Levi's Cords and OP shirts or just plain T-shirts and 501s. I did slick my hair as a kid
Brylcream ("a little dab would ya") I can still hear that jingle !
I was going to put this in the Favorite plane thread but since you mentioned P-40s.... As a kid before I knew better I loved the P-40 ( Mustang now the favorite) ever since watching "Tora Tora Tora" in the movies. I still love that dogfighting scene in the movie. Especially when the vapor...
The "Class As" believe it or not was actually a combat uniform ! The M-41 Field Jacket replaced the "Service coat" which like the "Ike" Jacket was used for Garrison. The basic wool shirt and trousers were used for both combat and Garrison. Boots were also used in both situations but one had a...
Now to screw you up even further, I can bet it's Portugese. In fact I believe it is ! They were also screwing around in Africa. Whatever it is it's African conflict something !
That first camoflage jacket is either a French "Lizard" pattern, or a Cuban "lizard" pattern. The two patterns are very similar, both were used in Africa. The French used that pattern in Algeria and the Cubans in Angola. I believe the Viets copied that pattern for the now famous "Tiger Stripes"...
John I used to go out to Barstow but as you know they've built up big time out there. The ranges are fine for sighting in but nothing beats camping out.
The last time I went out there they had signs stating a new community was being built. I guess I'll cave and shoot the M-1 at the range. Plus...
Love those M1s ! I once owned 3 now just 1. I wish I could shoot my collection but I live in CALIFORNIA ! Sorry it's frustrating, if I could ever get a camera setup I'll show you my 1903a3 I got from a friend for a 200.00 ! A mint condition Remington. Love those "broke" friends.
Australians will always be my favorite, even though Monty Python made light of them ! They are generally Full Bodied for the money. We used to carry Carisbrook years ago that came out of I believe the Hunter Valley. Now it seems Yellow Tail is predominant. I am currently dabbling with the...
If they are affiliated with IMA be careful. IMA has good surplus but their repros are junk. I bought some of their KAR 98 ammo pouches (repro) and I pulled the stud out that held the flap. On the other hand I bought some great surplus items. I bought a '44 pattern waterbottle that I was happy with.
I just finished watching "Freaks", Its a disturbing spooky movie. I think what makes it spooky to me is that it's old. The scene at the end when they crawl after the "Strong Man" is real creepy. Last year I bought a copy for a guy at work for a Christmas gift exchange. I asked him what he...
Those Osprey books are great !! I have some of the French Foreign Legion ones. I am particulary interested in the Indo-China / Algerian conflict. The French used gear from all countries at that time. It is probably the easiest to re-enact in as there was no standardized gear.
As one who re-enacted for 20 years I would suggest contacting a re-enactment club nearby. They would be more than happy to help you. I was fortunate to have started in the 1980s. As John said Surplus stores WERE the place to go. I was lucky to get alot of original gear (US) for cheap back then...
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