Have you tried vivien of holloway's trousers? I don't know what her waist to hip ratio allows for but she works from vintage patterns which are usually curvier. I have a 12-13 inch difference between my waist and hips and her stuff is a pretty good fit on me.
Thanks so much snookie! I just won some hot sticks on ebay so I can give this a shot. MUST buy some end-papers too.
Red: you're so right - we should totally start a poodle frizz thread!
That looks utterly AMAZING!! That's the kind of updo I would love to be able to master. And you do look very Audrey... I'm sure you'll have masses of fun at the photoshoot - dressing up as Miss Hepburn for the day, it's a hard life!
OOOH! That's great Adele - you've really illustrated well how it's done. I'll give it a try very soon. My hair never looks anything like as smooth as yours to start with though, even when it's wet. How wet is your hair when you do it?
If it IS bits of dead animal rotting and turning to dust then I should efinitely throw it out... YUCK! I was a bit squeamish about the fur anyway but now... yeeeshk!
Has anyone come across the mysterious rust-coloured vintage dust before?! I've got a vintage nylon jacket/top with a real fur collar and it is emitting said strange dust and I can't tell where the dust is coming from - the fabric or the fur. This has happened to me before with something vintage...
It went for $86, which I think was quite a good price really (especially with the exchange rate in my favour!) but i'm just that bit too far from payday to manage it. I'm really hoping it was an FL-er who got it - I could live with that!
Aw schucks - thanks lyburnum - you are a sweetie! I may well take you up on that offer when next pay day rolls around.
In the meantime I will be sparing with the concentrate stuff - I knew it was a salon-only thing which is why I thought it would be prudent to ask for help before plowing ahead...
I know my hair couldn't cope with blonde but i still covet it! When I am more than half grey/white I will go blonde I reckon.
Smuterella: you have such a perfect pouty lip shape too! Don't forget to post the results of your brow reshape on the Vintage Brows thread :)
Tried a heat setting spray this morning and it definitely helped. It went rather sticky though which made it look dirty and it was a bit patchy in it's holding capabilities so some bits still dropped. I should add that it was VERY windy today so it's hard to say how it would have held up under...
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