You know I don't really remember getting an official allowance. I worked as a lifeguard and mowed lawns during the summer, shoveled drives in the winter and at McDonalds when I was old enough to drive. Before that I didn't really have anyplace that I could go to and spend money very easily. I...
That's good to hear James, I actually was a little worried there. Your 70's sounds pretty much like my 70's. My dad was an IBM Engineer as were all the dads of all my friends. They wore dark suits and white shirts to work, got together with friends and played bridge. Me and my brother never had...
Ok-we know James hated the 70's now, but if you were a kid (and I assume you were during that period) what did you do besides t-ball and cub scouts (you must have done those, or not). It's just that I want to shake this mental picture I have of you barricaded in your room until 1980.
Yeah, but now it's cool too scratch the heck out of the back of your guitar. A big hole in the paint down to the wood. It's shows that you're a hard workin' axe man.:p
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