I've ordered...
...a Federation in the "Tawny" color. I'm wating for it to come in now.
This is my first ordered hat. We have a local hatter shop where I've bought all the hats I have now.
Interesting note on the size issue. I was concerned about the Federation's size until I saw a...
...now you guys have got me thinking. I ordered a hat from overseas, and now I'm wondering if I'm going to have the same problem of it getting into the US. I guess I was presuming that the seller worked those issues. Perhaps not.
As a funny side note, a while back I ordered a...
...you really manage to capture the difference between now and the golden era. Tantalizingly, the differences are the things which I mourn losing.
Speaking from an old...
...military family. Let youself be a little blue and don't feel bad about it. Accept that you'll get used to it but it will take time.
When you know what you are permitted do, send letters, care packages, etc. Putting them together will make you feel better and...
I can only speak...
...from personal experience. I fly 10 to 20 time a year and I've been taking a fountain pen for over 20 years. Never a problem. Security has never been an issue. The only thing I've ever been questioned on is my travelling ink well. I usually put my pen in my bag to go...
Living as I do...
...in the "Historic Triangle" of Jamestown-Yorktown-Williamsburg you see a lot of folks in all sorts of things. One of my neighbors works in the Powder Magazine. You see him coming and going like its 1774.
As far as what we consider the classic look, including fedoras, I...
I too get...
...more positive comments than negative. I work in a Major Command HQ, and so the folks tend to be conservative. While they are in flight suits and BDUs, they tend to be appreciative of classic dressing. It's a rare day when I don't hear a compliment -- from generals to the most...
...buddy. You are overthinking this big time. Taint a thinkin' thing its a knowin' thing.
Mid-fogey's datin' dictum:
Be a gentleman.
Go fer a gal that goes fer you.
If you think: maybe? Keep on goin' till you know. Faint heart never won a fair lady.
I think all the folks...
...here are spot on. You need to wear white. The look of your beautiful bride will in no way be diminished by the crisp whiteness of your tie and shirt.
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