There's a style of hat called the Duplex, which used a felt brim attached to a straw crown. The joining seam being ultimately hidden by the hatband. So, theoretically possible, yes. The majority of us here are more wearers than makers however.
Betty Reid Soskin, the oldest serving Park Ranger at age 97, who is at the Rosie The Riveter memorial here in the bay area, featured for Glamour magazine.
Oh, no need to apologize. The Dune is another one of those "almost bought" hats.
I don't think the Dune was always sold under the Gun Club collection, which would be my guess as to the different branding.
Dune is the hat, color is probably acorn. No Gun Club hats in the 2018 western catalogue, but the 2017 shows six hats in the Gun Club collection. Catera, Diamond Jim, Dune, Pawnee, Ridgecrest, and Royal Flush.
for my money, anything after the 60's is just meh. The past decade or so has seen the nice growth of independent hatters raising the bar on quality.
But even top of the line customs barely scratch the quality of the best vintage hats. To be clear, vintage hats were made in a dizzying array of...
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