I received this once from UPS. The seller sent the hat box wrapped in paper, no shipping box.
The hat was OK, just some cardboard dust that brushed off. Seller refunded my shipping cost.
This just arrived. I’m not really a bowler guy, but I couldn’t pass this up at the price.
There are some issues with the reed and the sweat stitching has separated in places, but the sweat itself is pretty soft and pliable. I’ll post more pics in the bowler thread.
That is a pretty bow...
I’m not sure what I have here, but any help you fellows could offer in identifying it would be appreciated. I’ve looked through this thread and can’t find any clues.
The sweatband is very soft leather and in good shape, but the stitching has failed in several spots. The reed is also exposed...
This just arrived. I’m not really a bowler guy, but I couldn’t pass this up at the price.
There are some issues with the reed and the sweat stitching has separated in places, but the sweat itself is pretty soft and pliable. I’ll post more pics in the bowler thread.
I wear mine every day, sometimes a different one every day. If it is raining hard, I bring out the Akubra, but otherwise my vintage hats are on. My ORs and Strat get the most frequent use. Ironically, the newer (2015) Stetson that I bought that started the hat thing with me gets the least...
I see the wisdom, and agree with, the philosophy of “use things up and then replace them.” I also am strongly influenced by my depression-era grandparents, who never let anything go to waste. Both my wife and I understand poverty, though neither of us thought we were poor growing up (we were)...
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