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  1. B

    my V.S. "Taos"

    Nice! I recognize the color scheme :eusa_clap! Art has worked his magic again! Barry
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    Shaving with an electric shaver

    Shaul, Just for kicks I did a Google search. These gents modify razors...maybe they can help? Or, maybe you're already doing this. Just thought I'd post it. The Kosher Shaver
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    Choices of Art's Rolls Royces

    I own two. I have the Cheyenne and a blue fedora - similar to one of the hats in the picture. The hats are outstanding and Art is a pleasure to work with. Art doesn't know it yet but I might just ask him to reconstruct a very special fedora that is part of my small collection of hats. I spent...
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    A Birthday Present From Shoeshineboy

    Happy Birthday, Mark! Barry
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    The DINER.

    Yep! That's it. My folks live down that way. The limeade is great too. Barry
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    Another reason why wearing a Fedora RULES!

    I was walking down the street to my favorite bar this evening and I passed by a man who was walking down the street with his two children. He looked at me and then looked at his sons and said "Now you see that gentleman boys... he's wearing a Fedora hat...just like they did in the old days!" I...
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    Two Montecristi Finished by Art

    The hats are great guys. I love the shirt too! Barry
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    I hate summer.

    Oh gosh, I do not like those at all. I suppose they are a bit cooler...but I think the look is terrible. Reminds me of that movie that came out several years back with the government employee that went nuts - I think he was partial to that look. I cannot remember the name of the...
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    Mods and Modernists

    I've always been curious about the mod-revival stuff - especially about the music. I remember reading somewhere (probably on the net) that there were "mod bands" and then the music to which the mods actually listened. I have a very small collection of Mod revival 45s. Secret Affair - etc...
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    Art's Blue Fedora

    Thanks for the comments everyone! I really appreciate them. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten to post a picture of that VS box. It really is sweet. If I've got some good light on my balcony tomorrow I'll post couple of shots! Barry
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    Art's Blue Fedora

    I debated about a Panama for my next hat. I decided on a midnight blue fedora instead. I liked the Stetson Saxon and that's where I got the idea for this lid. We made quite a few changes. Art extended the brim a bit and raised the crown some. The block is different too. This is an excellent...
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    The Vintage Office

    I love old adding machines! I wish I could find a picture of the old punch-card machine my grandparents had in their clothing store - they used it to keep track of customer's accounts. My grandmother still has a few old machines like this left over from her store.
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    Jorge Avalos still the man to see for a suit?

    This is slightly off topic...the tailor I'm asking about is in Chicago. Does anyone know about Paul Chang's suits? A former member of the lounge praised his work. Chang tailored sits for the Road to Perdition. Barry
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    What happened to admiration?

    I think it is even worse sometimes when it happens between friends. Reminds me of that old song by Morrissey: "We hate it when our friends become successful." A portion of the song: We hate it when our friends become successful And if they're Northern, that makes it even worse And if...
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    Re-Wired vintage phones from Argentina

    I came across this page after reading about it on a blog.. They sell expensive re-wired vintage phones. I think all of the phones are from Argentina. Prices were a bit shocking...but maybe there is a big market for this now? Art Thang Barry
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    thomas szasz I posted about him once before...heard him speak twice. I'd say he fits in with Paisley's comments, for sure. Not because of clothes so much but because of his upcompromising adherence to his beliefs. This guy just exudes "it." He certainly has a strong presence when he...
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    The DINER.

    Doumar's... home of the cone. Barry
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    Show us your suits

    I've got some situps to do, but I like this suit. I knew it would be snug but since I have lost 15lbs over the past few months and have some more (many more now that I look at the picture) to lose I thought I would go for it. Barry
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    Show us your suits

    I think I was really lucky to find that blue pinstripe. I have been looking for a new suit for some time now. If this suit is as described it should be a real winner. I should have it tomorrow and will get photos up once it is altered. It's going to turn some heads at my place of...
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    Leather Hatboxes

    resistol leather hat case Here are some pictures of the hat case. It should come this afternoon sometime. I'll try to get a good inside shot of it as well. I'm going to have to put something inside to hold the hat I think. I might either use cardboard or a molded piece of plastic...

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