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  1. B

    human swastika

    I think some people "do what they do" because they simply don't "get it." Case in point: Izzue's use of these symbols in a marketing campaign and in their stores several years back. They even had green drums painted with swastikas in the retail shops. This was a chain store not some little...
  2. B

    A Good Question

    I think all these games are even worse with online dating. I went out with one woman and had a nice time. She was easy enough to talk to and we had a few things in common. We even wound up having some mutual friends - go figure. Anyway, I guess I thought there was some chemistry - it turned...
  3. B

    b!wear Newsboy

    Hey 'Root, how about THESE caps? :) I don't like to reproduce from this site - but I'll provide a link. http://photoswest.org/cgi-bin/imager?00186575+Rh-1575
  4. B

    Show Us Your Purchases....GUYS !

    Guys, Thanks. I found this on E-bay. The size was just about right and I decided to go for it. I've lost about 12lbs or so since the NYC FL meet and have a ways to go. The chest and sleeves are perfect but my gut still seems to be a bit of an issue. I've been wearing some '40s...
  5. B

    Show Us Your Purchases....GUYS !

    Low quality photo but it's the best I can do right now. The jacket and tie are new. Barry
  6. B

    Show us your TIES

    I don't know if I really like the Haband tie on the far left as much as I did when I first saw it. I think the red and blue tie is my favorite. Barry
  7. B

    Let's talk about...shoes, baby!

    What if you wanted to purchase a pair of shell cordovan shoes or boots? Does Alden have a larger selection and/or better quality than AE? Alden's website and Alden resellers seem to focus quite a bit on shell cordovan. Leather Soul Hawaii
  8. B

    Let's talk about...shoes, baby!

    I was just shoe "window shopping" this weekend too. Any thoughts on where Yanko might fit? I liked shoe #04325 Barry
  9. B

    Most important freedom

    I saw a link in this thread. I clicked it and the website presented a book and also linked to at least one "tax denier/protester/whatever" organization. I've posted my links as a response. People can take it for what it is worth. When I refer to "tax protester" movements I am referring to...
  10. B

    Most important freedom

    Well, well. Sorry, Dixon. "Tax Protesters" are all about "me me me." That's why they create dozens and dozens of bad legal arguments to support the cause. "The Law that Never Was!" Hah! Nice... Dixon, by the way, Cato is here in DC. Ever been? I have. A former mentor and good friend...
  11. B

    Most important freedom

    I just got the feeling it was heading in a bad direction, MK, that's all. Barry
  12. B

    Most important freedom

    This thread is probably going to get shut down soon. I'll keep it short. If anyone is truly interested in this you can research more about sovereign citizen movements, the militas, the "constitutionalists," and the tax protest movement at a number of sites including the Southern Poverty Law...
  13. B

    Most important freedom

    There are great websites and amazing court documents too! Quatloos: http://www.quatloos.com/taxscams/taxprot.htm http://www.quatloos.com/tax_scams.php http://www.quatlosers.com/bob_schultz.htm http://www.quatloos.com/breaking_news.php Evans: http://evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html...
  14. B

    Most important freedom

    Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Speech Saw it in action today right near the White House. Sure, I don't agree with 99% of the protesters but I'm glad I'm in a country where people can congregate and speak out. Barry
  15. B

    Allen Edmonds Shoes...

    I went downtown to watch the protesters gather near the White House today and then I went to the AE store. Those oxfords sure are a beautiful pair of shoes. I tried them on and I was really impressed. I think the salesman said the color was called a "polished cobbler burgundy." Barry
  16. B

    Allen Edmonds Shoes...

    I like the last photo you posted the best. They also have a pair of burgundy and black saddle shoes. I thought they were nice too. Alden's 990s and 994s are pretty sweet looking as well - especially in color 8 shell cordovan. The Allen-Edmonds Shelton: Barry
  17. B

    What's your favorite candy?

    Lol.. I bought a box of that Violet gum. I think I'm going to open all the packs and put them in my hat boxes - should keep the moths away quite well I think! Barry
  18. B

    The Dumbest Comment I Ever Heard

    "Hey! John Gotti!" (two homeless guys started shouting "JOHN GOTTI" at me). I was stuck in traffic in a cab and it caused quite a scene. Barry
  19. B

    Hollywood Jackets

    and another... no more for a while (yea right)
  20. B


    I was getting ready for a job interview. The interview was with a staffing & direct hire firm and I think it went well. I'm keeping my options open though...at this point I feel I need to hold out just a little bit longer for the right position. Barry

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