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DeNiro against transfats

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Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
Lincsong said:
More idiotic legislation.:rage:

Huh!? [huh]
Trans fats are most definately one of the biggest threats to our health today. They are essentially artificial food additives that contribute to a myriad of inter-related health problems. Please read the facts in the link I posted.


Practically Family
Lincsong said:
More idiotic legislation.:rage:

Yeah! Damn that Republican mayor seeking to ban an unnecessary cost-cutting ingredient which causes a severe health hazard! People should be obese and disease-ridden and us taxpayers should be forced to pay for it!!!


I'll Lock Up
Shining City on a Hill
If it is so bad then why hasn't the FDA banned it? I don't need some politicians telling me what to eat. People are obese not because of transfats but because they are lazy and have a problem with stuffing their mouths. Perhaps the Estate of Mama Cass should sue the makers of luncheon meats.

I've read the link. And unless someone is scarfing down McDonalds, donuts and such 24/7 he's not going to be in danger. Daily exercise routines and Vitamin's C and E should lower cholesterol levels. I've been taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C since 1989 and 400 IU of Vitamin E since 1991 on a daily basis. I'm 5'10" 190 pounds and my cholesterol is 180 and my blood pressure is 110/80 and my heart rate is 58 bpm. When I was 150 pounds in 1989 my cholesterol was 230, my heart rate was 58 bpm and my blood pressure was 110/80. Basically I eat whatever I want.

Transfats aren't a danger; It's laziness and slothfulness that are a danger to society.

Daisy Buchanan

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Lincsong said:
If it is so bad then why hasn't the FDA banned it? I don't need some politicians telling me what to eat. People are obese not because of transfats but because they are lazy and have a problem with stuffing their mouths. Perhaps the Estate of Mama Cass should sue the makers of luncheon meats.
I didn't want to get involved, again, but I have to agree with you here. We are all able adults who can pick and choose what we will and will not eat. I don't need the Governor or the Mayor or any form of government telling me to not eat something. I know if I eat McDonalds every day, I'm gonna get fat and die an early death. Really not my problem that other people either don't know this or refuse to listen to it. Yes, transfats are horrible. I try to keep them out of my diet. What's next, close every fast food restaurant down. You do that, imagine how many people would be out of work. This is a legislation that will lead to other legislation that will tighten the government noose around the necks of able minded citizens.

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
Lincsong said:
If it is so bad then why hasn't the FDA banned it? I don't need some politicians telling me what to eat. People are obese not because of transfats but because they are lazy and have a problem with stuffing their mouths. Perhaps the Estate of Mama Cass should sue the makers of luncheon meats.

I've read the link. And unless someone is scarfing down McDonalds, donuts and such 24/7 he's not going to be in danger. Daily exercise routines and Vitamin's C and E should lower cholesterol levels. I've been taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C since 1989 and 400 IU of Vitamin E since 1991 on a daily basis. I'm So 5'10" 190 pounds and my cholesterol is 180 and my blood pressure is 110/80 and my heart rate is 58 bpm. When I was 150 pounds in 1989 my cholesterol was 230, my heart rate was 58 bpm and my blood pressure was 110/80. Basically I eat whatever I want.

Transfats aren't a danger; It's laziness and slothfulness that are a danger to society.

The FDA!? lol
The FDA wants to ban the vitamin supplements you take, because they say they might be bad for you. (The FDA also wants us to take all those artificial drugs to make us all "healthy".:mad: )
Regular excercise, watching one's dietary intake, and supplements are all of course good things to do, but unfortunately, many people can not afford to live the ultimate in healthy life styles. And sadly, many people simply do not pay attention to what they consume on a daily basis. Artificial trans fats are becoming ubiquetous in all processed convenience foods, including many resaurant foods. Most people are unaware of this health menace.
So you are absolutely correct in your assertion that it is laziness and slothfulness that are a grave danger to our society. So many people are simply too lazy to read the labels of the foods they consume, or to bother to really try and live a healthy lifestyle. And then again, many are simply uninformed, and will blindly follow whatever entities like the FDA tell them to do.

The Wingnut

One Too Many
Since when is it the business of ANY arm of the United States government, be it municipal, state or federal, to dictate what citizens may or may not eat!?

The citizens are responsible for monitoring what sort of food they intake, the citizens are responsible for the outcome of said intake, the citizens are responsible for keeping themselves informed about the risks in their daily lives, and the citizens have only themselves to blame should they suffer ill due to their own decisions, actions, or inaction! Such legislation sets dangerous precedents and treads along the line of invasion of privacy, creates futher of layers bureaucratic tangle, deepening the hole into which we throw our tax dollars, increases operating costs for those subject to the legislation(regardless of whether they adhere to it or not) which subsequently increases the cost to the consumer.

Ridiculous. I don't care whose rubber stamp it has, be it a celebrity or a mayor. A big name does not a worthy cause make.

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
The Wingnut said:
Since when is it the business of ANY arm of the United States government, be it municipal, state or federal, to dictate what citizens may or may not eat!?

The citizens are responsible for monitoring what sort of food they intake, the citizens are responsible for the outcome of said intake, the citizens are respponsible for keeping themselves informed about the risks in their daily lives, and the citizens have only themselves to blame should they suffer ill due to their own decisions, actions, or inaction! Such legislation sets dangerous precedents and treads along the line of invasion of privacy, creates futher layers bureaucratic tangle, deepening the hole into which we throw our tax dollars, increases operating costs for those subject to the legislation(regardless of whether they adhere to it or not) which subsequently increses the cost to the consumer.

Ridiculous. I don't care whose rubber stamp it has, be it a celebrity or a mayor. A big name does not a worthy cause make.

The FDA,(enormous government beaurocracy) has been sole dictator of what Americans can or can not consume for many decades and with dire health consequences for us all, unless of course we become better informed, and also more responsible about such issues. But how can people become more responsible if they are uninformed? Or maybe I should say, misinformed.
The odious and insidious inclusion of trans fats into our diets was never an issue in the golden era. Resaurants like McDonalds did just fine without them when they first started out. It's really all about big business making profits at the consumer's expense.
The bottom line here is this: Trans fats are cheap, which leads to greater profits for big business, ultimately at the consumer's expense. Big business does not care about people, they care about money.

The Wingnut

One Too Many
I disagree entirely. The FDA's sole purpose is not to dictate what the citizens may consume, the FDA's purpose is to insure that food and drug industries comply with health standards the Administration sets forth. It indeed prohibits certain substances and manufacturing processes that pose a DIRECT health hazard, it does NOT, however, have the authority to to attempt to control the weight of the citizens, nor does any other government agency. When I asked the rhetorical question in my previous post I considered the FDA and ruled it out.

For your reference, here is a list of exactly what the FDA regulates:


I re-iterate what others have said and will add from an opinion standpoint that obesity, while proven to lead to health ailments, is in fact the choice of the citizen and can easily be avoided with a regimen of excecise and careful eating. The U.S. government - and no government, for that matter - does not exist to watch the weight of its citizens. Banning specific substances that are simply a small contributor to a greater problem are at the very most futile and certainly idealistic. The problem is not trans-fats, the problem is obesity and there are other, greater contributors to this condition than simply what the citizens eat. An overall mental condition exists that will not be resolved by eliminating substances contributing to obesity. To resolve the problem, a change would have to occur in the behavior of the citizens and behavior modification is something no government has the right to even contemplate. The responsibility as always falls to the citizen first, government involvement is a last resort, and the issue of obesity in American citizens has by no means reached that point.


Hardlucksville, NY
We have to decide what kind of society we want. Should it be a "free for all" with everyone doing exactly what they want? Sex, drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll and all that? If so, we Fedora Loungers have no right to rant and rave(as we do so well, myself included ) over the current state of society in terms of what people are wearing!

I do not think anyone wants a Big Brother scenario where a governement is telling people how to live their lives. How about if we compromise a little? Let us reap the benefits of science. Studies show smoking, trans fatty products, etc. are extremely dangerous to humans.

The truth be told, most of us do not make informed decisions about our health and lives. The average persons life is hectic enough with work and family to research everything they eat, drink, or smoke. We make the mistake of letting someone who is selling us their product tell us how beneficial their product is! Companies suppress the results of their own studies regarding smoking, hydrogenated products, high fructose sweeteners, etc. They pay huge amounts of money to employ their consigliere to keep things "legal". We are treated as cattle by corporations.
Sometimes legislation is necessary to help the average Joe in spite of himself.


Practically Family
Allen, Texas, USA
Feraud said:
...Sometimes legislation is necessary to help the average Joe in spite of himself.

Thanks. Very revealing. :eusa_clap

My parents raised me rather well, I think. I don't need another mommy.



Hardlucksville, NY
Baggers said:
Thanks. Very revealing. :eusa_clap

My parents raised me rather well, I think. I don't need another mommy.

Generally speaking are the comments untrue? Are obesity, and cancer rates at unacceptable levels? When we cannot solve our own problems, is it so horrible to have help? I thought that was what the whole "community" thing is about. Legislation should not always be view as intrinsically evil.

I do not think a government should not be a mommy! My comments are not intended to Lounge members. We are the best of the best.
I also noted we should not have a Big Brother form of governement but a little compromise goes a long way to benefit everyone. ;)


One of the Regulars
Southern California
I could be wrong on this, but arent the same groups that support the government legislating what you can put into your body (smoking, certain foods), the same groups that support the right for a woman to do what she chooses to her body? (Roe V. Wade)

We all have free will, that should be protected at all cost. So long you are not causing harm to someone else, what ever you chose to do to yourself, is your choice. no one elses.
The suggestion is that by using these fats, chefs ARE harming others, therefore they should be stopped.

I haven't read the literature to back up the claims of harmfulness (and i imagine the literature is extensive, impenetrable for most, and highly contentious as scientific literature tends to be - i's all about how you INTERPRET the findings) so i can't form an opinion.

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