Field and stream
M43 field jacket: $85 As close as you will get to an original, and better yet, it's brand new. Rollin is temporarily out of stock now but it's worth waiting for the re-stock. This is a popular item. I had my Dad's and this is as good.
Where's the beef?
Steak. With clam chowder or shrimp appetizer and lots and lots of red wine. Gourmet? Non!
Gourmand? Oui!
But you have to exercise like crazy to keep the weight off. That has a great incidental benefit: living longer to annoy your children.
Bad flashback
Somehow, that shouldn't even be called a 'hat'. When, if ever, were those popular? I recall my grandparents gave me one in the late 50's when I was small. They never liked me.
Pretty Betty
Two full seasons now and Betty still isn't a believable character. January Jones plays her with one Botox facial expression. Despite all the plot drama for her, there's just no 'there, there'.
Go slow, sloe gin
You should be grateful sloe gin isn't commercially available in Belgium. It is still sold here by unscrupulous liquor purveyors. Hiram Walker earns a special place in Hades for selling it here.
The only bar I've ever passed (by)
As a new poster to this thread, I am introducing myself. I am an attorney licensed in Ohio and Kentucky. I have been admitted to practice for 29 years this month. I do not 'practice' except as a trust officer for a regional Midwestern bank. I have noticed a...
Sounds like the perfect accompaniement to putrified shark meat, (which is so hard to get here in the Midwest-unless you are lucky enough to be a member of the putrified specialty meats of the month club-or live near the McCormick & Schmick dumpster).
Gibson and Barnes Indy
The 'Expedition' seems less accurate than the distressed Wings calfskin from the picture. If you've seen both then I have to defer but it's hard to tell from the pic.
I did it last year
When our weather finally got its worst, ice storm, 9" snow, I did wear the Homburg to work with a dark gray herringbone topcoat. It seemed right and no one commented on it.
Suits me
By coincidence, my first vintage suit is dated with an owner's name tag in the right inside pocket, 1947. It's a wonderful double breasted, pleated pants with cuffs, navy with coffee and light tan very thin mixed pinstripe. The fabric is a wonderful substantial, but drapy gabardine...
Chaste and chastened
I apologize and it will not happen again!! It is unseemly enough to publicly admit consuming sloe gin, let alone compounding the indignity by pubicizing any amorous exploits fueled by it.
Visitors to this thread: Imagine amorous adventures spawned by sloe gin. And run.
Second home
I hope to retire in about 13 years, at age 70. I plan to spend a considerable amount of time at O'Malley's, when I am not holding down a stool here at the Fedora Lounge. Mrs. Foster will probably insist upon it.
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