Viewer 'Thanks'
This poster wants to say "thanks" for these beautiful pics and your taste in hats. These are in pristine condition. How many of us are looking at these and sporting something, uh, er, wooden?
A time and a place for everything
Just so. I am wearing the Indy Magnoli "Maltese Falcon" tie today, at my bank job desk. If I had worn the peaked lapel suit, no one would have said anything but they would have put another tic mark "eccentric" next to my name in their mental file on me. Do I...
Contrast is a TV adjustment
My sense is this is the most satisfying look. Literal matching risks a bland, too 'monochromatic' look. Certainly a gray hat works well, but even a brownish taupe or a dark brown hat looks pretty good with dark blue and gray suits. "What! Brown hat with blue...
405's are A-OK
After a year of wrestling with my conscience and winning on many smaller things, I finally gave in a month ago and bought them at a 'decent' price online, with free shipping. I had heard about the sizing issue on this forum, so I ordered a half size smaller than I normally would...
vintage cuts
Has anyone actually gotten one of those really severe cuts, in the almost 'Norman' medieval style, the Germans favored in the Thirties and War years? I saw a photo the other day of 'Gestapo' Mueller, in some meeting and his pate from just behind his ears was totally bald. Not an...
Semper Fi
This is good advice on all counts. It is no disrespect but comemoration to wear accurate period uniform and decorations. Devotion to a great period impression should also be a strong motivator to lose those extra pounds. This can be a very sensitive subject and no disprespect is...
Hip Hopalong
I admit this belongs in a new or different thread but I had to agree with your observation. Each generation is entitled to their 'look' but the preceeding ones have mercifully faded into passe'. When will this awful 'fashion' go that way? It just seems to hang on forever. But...
Management lobotomy
I speculate that the shareholders of my company, a midwestern regional bank, would be much better off if our senior management had received this treatment. On further reflection, I suspect our shareholders may insist on this.
My aunt Glad
What? Come in here and have some sweet tea. Mind the extra sugar, now. I am thinking now about the 'age dry rotted rubber bands' I have encountered over the years and I know just what you mean. How do they stay intact until you touch them?
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