Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of
Mount Gay. And only Coke.
Anyone but me think rum by itself tastes like rubber? And no, it doesn't stop me from drinking it straight up once in a great while.
If it isn' t gin, it isn't a martini.
This proves something about idle hands and the Devil's workshop. What a waste of alcohol.
Am I the only poster who has a spiritual commitment to the apellation "Martini" for gin, vervouth and an olive? (bitters may be allowed, as they were used in the...
Sloe Learner
I must conclude from the paucity of posts that the denizens of this board are above sloe gin, except for Geesie who has the sense to use it only as a livener for bourbon. This disdain for sloe gin is gratifying indeed and the thread will die its deserved death.
That said, I can...
REAL barflys
In Cincinnati: O'Malley's in the Alley, located on Ogden Place, between Vine and Race, between 3rd and 4th streets. It's a time capsule, except for the non-smoking. One of the very few 'dive' bars where you feel safe and the food is cheap and actually pretty good. Only one...
Vintage advantage
How many hate to risk a tear or stain with real vintage trousers, especially the rare ones we have found to fit or have paid to have adjusted? The thread began with 'everyday' trousers so I think the posts recommending Bannana Republic and Magnoli are on track. There is a...
Made in the U-S-A
I have the US Wings distressed cowhide one and it's as supple and 'screen accurate' as it needs to be for me. That said, I also would like to hear a 'side-by-side' comparison.
Turn your head and cough
I admit to liking it without buying it often. "The color of coal oil and taste to match." But, it has a character like no other. I suppose it's like Coen Brothers movies: you either like them or hate them.
The news last night had a similar story of a Russian warehouse forklift guy who caused a Rube Goldberg chain reaction with cases of Vodka. The beer spill would smell better. Poor Russian bastards!
The Queen
I did get to tour one here in Cincinnati when the Confederate Air Force one visited every year for many years. I believe it is undergoing restoration. I would risk the certain divorce for a $500 trip up in it next time it comes. (I hope it does: a memory for a lifetime).
How I spent my Spring Break
Yes, it's not what I do regularly but what I contemplate for my retirement. I am rather put off, though, by the 'tease'; a 'no show' is no go. Why didn't you just post it when it was ready?
Proof of Satan's existence? Or, merely a comfort for those who doubt God's. I will post my own further thoughts later. What do you have to say about this 'drink'?
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