It's not funny if it happens
Son of Atropos wrote: I wouldn't be surprised if Blade Runner was "reinvented" by Hollywood at some point. Maybe have Shia Laboef as Deckard and Bella from Twilight as Rachel. Yeah, sounds like box office gold.
Darn it, you know how this sort of thing works...
I'm not a watch collector but this detail seems important. What's the purpose of an engraving no one but the repairman can see? It's unlikely it was a presentation watch if the engraving was hidden and in 1930, with only a hundred or so deputies in the Reichstag, not a majority...
The Truth is Out There....
And this was before Chinese industrial production could make them more cheaply! UFO's seem to be a world-wide phenomenon. The accounts of the underwater ones -particularly near Japan-are really eerie.
Support Group
Katzenjammer, it's good to meet a fellow sufferer! These used to be common in ebay a while back on any 'blade runner props' search but they've now gone scarce there, so thanks for the link! Nice item!
PM or email me if you ever locate a good Deckard 1:1 head bust or mask. That...
One of the few movies that never seems to get old. After investing in several blasters (including a RACprop one I sold a kidney to buy), the Abbyshot V2 trench, the blazer/suit and pair of tweed trousers from Baron Boutique, shirts from some loon in Oregon, Magnoli's great tie, the...
M-16 reciever
Phantomfixer, thanks for setting me up to get away from the mark of the beast!
Moore actually referred me to a shop in North Dakota that makes receivers: NODAK SPUD
He had sites for all the other parts, including the 'tulip' flash supressor. I bought...
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Great story and a stroke of luck. Pretty sure the folks at Nuremburg thought of Von Ribbentrop as a 'first division Nazi'. He was pretty high in the hanging order wasn't he? First team? The pact with Stalin would have been enough for his varsity letter.
German engineering. We are the Ost.
I know what you mean if you are thinking of the Go 229 Horten, or the Me P1101 mock up or even the HE 162 Heinkel Salamander, which I think is one cool looking plane. The Me 262 still looks great.
But saucers.... well, Nick Cook's book, The...
The 'eyes' have it.
Yeps, I'm with you on that. That doctored photo conveys a stare still compelling and scary. So many people who met him wrote impressions of his eyes. What a pity he wasn't cross-eyed or related to Marty Feldman, for so many reasons.
De Nam
thompsongunner, salute to you and your son from a really crappy, but honorably discharged Marine. Do you know of Moore Militaria? That guy helped me put together a 'nam era M-16 semi auto. He's a great guy and has great stuff.
Closer, closer....close!
Here's an uncomfortable point. I shave in the shower each evening and shave with a disposable double blade. I am still smooth by the following 5 pm. I have had a barber straight razor shave and it was not as close as the following day 5pm. He is not unskilled but I do...
The Razor's Edge
I am old enough to bow before bravery greater than mine. I knick myself with the disposable double edges. I am apalled at the thought of the check my wife would soon cash if I embarked on straight razor shaving (assuming that suicide was properly rejected). I want to see my...
The Bohemian Corporal
And yet, when you look at AH's features, without that little 'stache, his appearance would have been far less effective-rather bland. Unfortunately for tens of millions, it was part of the appeal of his image-it gave his face a forceful look. Go figure.
Nazi spoilers
As if the Nazis didn't cause enough misery, they spoiled forever cool moustaches and a very striking symbol. And the goose step. So much collateral damage.
Imagine how many or our marginally educated school kids see some of those native American blankets, or other handcrafts...
Stash trashed
It's a strange fate that this style moustache is associated with some of the most beloved entertainers -Chaplain and Oliver Hardy- but damned by AH!
It is a very powerful and unique look but way too offensive for most of us to get away with. Too bad. Again, James71 sums it up...
on the Get Low
The links above are good; you can also have Jeff O'Donnell at the Quartermaster Shop make one for you and can use your own material if you prefer.
The Blade
I've lost heart before I killed myself. I admit I am neurotically afraid of trying this. I learned to shave with the double edge razor and now use the disposables. I admire all of you very much for putting the cold steel to your own throats and trusting that your wives or whomever...
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