Wear white if you're not a ...?
Get your point but recall the Leibstandarte wore white leather gear in their prewar 'asphalt soldier' days. Not patent leather though.
The result of the war satisfies my curiousity that the Germans did not make that technological leap. We'd be speaking Deutsche now, perhaps?
If you are curious enough, there is a trove of collected information out there.Google 'best UFO books' for a start. The UFO-ologists are a devoted...
A dark, dark passage
Stearman, there are clear photos. The problem is veracity. Many have been examined for 'doctoring' but that's still inconclusive as to a hoax. Some of the most intriguing visual evidence are videos, some from phone cams. Check out some of the History Channel stuff. It...
Not sure I would start anyone with Laphroaig unless they had been given coal oil tonics as children. It's an acquired taste, isn't it? On the bright side,one bottle may last a lifetime and it will make most of the others taste better.
hats + tux
Tomasso, you would have the panache to carry it but I think the homburg keeps the formality of it-it is a tux after all. That said, I would seriously consider a porkpie just for the fun of it. It would at least get some comment.
TUX hat
I may be the only guy posting in a forum primarily for hats saying I wouldn't wear a hat with a tux (and I own two; shawl collared and peaked lapel, both single breasted) but if I did, I agree with James 71 on the homburg. Anything fedora looks too casual; anything more looks too...
Churchill in a bottle
One only hopes to read an endorsement of pixelation as a prelude to greatness. It's the one thing many of us can manage in common with the great man. Add your own adjectives.
Warhorse didn't finish
I never lost money to them because after email discussions, they simply stopped communicating. Too bad for them as it was for two uniforms.
CherryWry writes: "Zima is also nasty."
Ha! I could not resist acknowledging someone else disparaging Zima, a contender for worst potable in any discussion. I have earlier posted considerable spleen against it in this thread and also started another on the toxic character of Zima and...
Illegal aliens
Kampkatz, you make an excellent point! If they want more contact, they must pay taxes. And what exactly is Sheriff Joe Arpaio doing about these illegal aliens?
Arizona is very near Nevada, where they are rumored to keep a time-share at Groom Lake.
RE UFO's in general, tens of thousands of people have offered their eyewitness 'evidence' and there is some hard evidence,(casts of soil impressions, photos-for what they're worth, debris, even recent video-ever watch The History Channel stuff? It's not all twaddle.) but no, there is no...
"Twilight Zone" theme plays in background....
I admit to believing in UFO's, of extraterrestrial origin, not flying nazis or Halliburton projects,which my wife has dutifully added to the file she will produce to support her claim for a Guardianship someday. Anyway, the result of the war settles...
Museum of Science and Industry
Make sure your wife or significant other is very tolerant. This sub is amazing. I've been through it twice and have modeled one very similar, with cutaway compartments, lit up. (The Revell 1/72 kit and the Eduard mini-kits for the compartments). And of course, the...
Spanish civil war
Both sides, particularly for general officers. Officers on both sides were mostly the pre-Civil War army officers, divided by their loyalties as in other civil wars. The most visible difference was the rank insignia. Both sides' generals wore the crossed saber and baton in...
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