Old Town
Last week, I ordered two pairs of trousers from Old Town. I am anxious to see how good they are. They certainly weren't cheap.
BTW, I should have a pic of the Baron suit to post next week. Daughter is home with the cam.
Indy response
I always get a 'next day' response from Indy, around 4 PM EST, I suppose because of the time difference. His delivery times on suits, with only one exception, were good, about a month-six weeks. Baron is faster. I actually had one from them in a week because I asked them to...
Shoulders in
I've had several jackets (not vintage) taken in at the shoulders, by an ordinary steamstress, and they look great. It's a very do-able alteration.
The site is terrible. You would have to see one at a miltaria show or his
'warehouse' in Springfield, VA, which is only open on certain weekends. He's available this weekend (Jan 22-23). His crushers are very nice, his own make and not someone elses.
New for Old
I own a half dozen Magnoli suits, including the Casablanca dinner jacket/trousers combination, and like them very much. I have recently got two suits made up by Baron Boutique that are very, very nice, good heavy wool serge material and all the details that I ask, no vents...
Unless the vents line up exactly with a seam in the body of the coat, won't it be obvious that these have simply been sewn up? Unless you were to undergo a horribly expensive and perhaps impossible, depending on the material, a 'french weave' or reweaving of some kind over the seam...
made from scratch
Can't wait to try this one. I admit I drink a mix most of the time but this looks worth the trouble. On the other hand, can I wait to perform all that mixing? I suppose that's what the short beer is for.
My recruiter gave me the tip about a piece of ladies' nylon hose to go over the boot/shoe for a finishing touch. It has just enough abrasion to really pop the shine.
Gus Miller is bigger than the town he's in
I enjoy Cinci from the same perspective you do: accross the river. I work on Fountain Square and enjoy waving to Gus whenever I pass by. Haven't bought anything for a while, but I treasure the seven hats and caps I have purchased from him. What a...
Thank you!
Feraud: My most humble and sincere THANKS! You are the ACME bartender!
I watched most of this movie today with my Mom-she's going on 91, and we both enjoyed it. I think the 7th one down shows the distinct look of a snap. Thanks for this invaluable help. I will alert Michael at...
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