Favorite uniform
The closed collar officer uniforms of the Spanish Civil War. Drab colors, leather buttons, red sashes for generals, who had rank on the collar and cuffs. These were very understated and very miiltary looking.
As for our own Army, the chocolates and pinks from WWII will...
Does anyone know of repros made with the 'chocolate' felt crown?
All have seen and been able to get are the elastique versions in different shades of olive or chocolate.
Yes. If you go to some of the better reenactor kit sites like www.atthefront.com
you'll see the GI and German boots in the 'rough out' state and a detailed discussion of how to make them look authentic by applying blacking, polish, dubbin or 'what have you', as 'the Dude' says.
Garcia's is nice. I like the elastique ones from George Petersen at NCHS Inc as well as these.
His are stitched on both sides of the crown seam.
Hammelburg raid
This is covered in Blumenson's "Patton Papers" I believe 2nd volume page 671. The Hammelburg raid rescued at great cost Patton's son in law, Lt. Col. John Waters. It was not a 'private army' but certainly a questionable allocation of military resources that gave an unseemly...
This is a great service museum and not too far from Mammoth Cave if you are making a long trip to see it-see both!
My father was in the Third Infantry Division in the North African "Torch" landings and badly wounded in Sicily. He never told me what he thought of him but my Mom is not...
Scotch strainers
I wonder at the volume of Johnny Walker and champagne that passed over and through those choppers. "So much champagne, so little time."
Too Tweed or not to
I dunno. I get your aesthetic but I think I'll go out on the porch in my white linen suit, a bottle of rye and me and Brick Pollitt'll play some sax in the heat of the night and wake Big Daddy and Maggie...wait, she ain't home. Again!
I actually liked the first pic with the uneven teardrop. It looks like a period bash of the thinner felt hats. I'm with Chuck Bobuck on this one: uneven is more interesting. Still, it's a nice hat and you sell yourself short.
And if you think that's big, get a Fed III. You'll look Amish.
Cleaned and blocked
I took one into Gus Miller in Cincinnati a few years ago and was stunned at the cost: about a third of what it originally cost to buy. Still, he did a fine job and has the tools I don't have. I suppose the moral is 'be prepared...for sticker shock.'
Western Hats
Like most things discussed on this board, these are subject to quality and price to guide where to go. If you are considering Peters Brothers, please PM or email me.
The Lost Battalion
This is one of the better Great War movies and one of the few 'modern' made ones.It's available on DVD and worth watching again.
As for the bird, I flip it my salute! Well done, good and faithful messenger pigeon!
The Real Webley deal
AMEN! I bought a real one- a large frame Mark VI, from Joe Salter a few years ago, still had the original holster and bored for the funky .455 ammo. It's a beautiful prop but the cylinder's so loose, it'd shave lead even if I could get the ammo. I think Salter has...
Blank firing Webley
Found them! This UK website: http://www.plugfirecapgunsuk.com/
Not inexpensive but the only ones I've found besides the ones on the Nakamura sites that can't be delivered. Give John an email, Indy fans. I am getting the tanker version, built-up, with wooden handles.
Jazzbo suit
Sorry, I'm just as glad history papered over this suit so quickly. But thank you Marc for the great photos and the equally fine 'script'! Great stuff. You have an ear for dialogue.
At the Front
Just my two cent plug for Rollin and his company. I have many items from him, including a full set of USMC HBT utilities, and everything is first class. I can't speak directly to your khaki's question but his field and tanker jackets, and the HBT utilities have received raves from...
Just Deserts
I took too long to complete reading Moorhead's book but really enjoyed it. A very personal memoir and an interesting perspective-a front line reporter. He gets about outside the desert theatre too, and adds that perspective. This book somehow made it all seem more 'real' to me.
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