I bought an original from Joe Salter a few years ago and it had to be shipped to a local FFL-no big deal. I think I gave $600 for it with an original holster. It is for the .455 ammo and it's got a loose cylinder that I fear would shave lead. But it's real and complete and matching...
There are more high quality replicas available now than ever before. We are really lucky to have so many reputable vendors who take the time and trouble to get things made well. Prien mentions good European vendors as well as the ubiquitous Sanjay of Replicators (He's batting about .600 for...
Good replicas, made as the originals will look better with time and wear, as you describe. None of us believes that these should be passed off as originals but it is a real pleasure to own and enjoy well made copies of things we could scarcely find or afford as originals.
I wince...
Congratulations on your very fine replica examples! Well done! Why aren't replicas more respected?
I also collect replica uniforms, ww2 and many other time periods. Like many, I began collecting originals and it was disappointing. The things I wanted, high-ranking uniforms of all...
WW2 British officer's impressions and displays and of course, Indiana Jones displays need a good Webley Mark IV. Until now, there haven't been any good metal replicas except originals which cost dear. (I know because I bought one!).
www.keystonearsenal.com has just introduced full metal...
What's in a day?
How did this plane fare? I hope quality did not suffer. Many of us have bought a car built on a Monday with all that portends, but less serious consequences.
[QUOTE=W4ASZ]... Mr. Marks' uninformed status as to Ribbentrop's place in the Nazi food chain is disturbing.
Agreed. He was Prisoner #3 in the order of precedence for prosecution. Goering was #1 but self-medicated. Hess, #2, was judged insane. Ribbentrop, #3, was left to dangle at an...
How does that differ in any way from a foo fighter, circa 1944? None that I can tell. Except mules and horses were easier to pace. Something weird out there, I believe.
Zombie Halloween
Slasher flicks scare me but I assemble replica costumes from this genre. Zombie's Halloween efforts seem to draw mixed reviews from the hardcore Halloween devotees but his first effort ('H1 Remake' in their vernacular) gets marks for the backstory of the Michael Myers character.
Continental suits
MarcChevalier writes: Today, it's more difficult to find a genuine vintage Continental suit than an earlier Bold Look suit.
I have seen quite a few that seem to meet this description on this site:
Watch: the play
CopperNY, I think you were right the first time: The two newspaper links clearly describe an actual watch that inspired a play.
The play is certifiably real. The watch, perhaps less so.
From the first cited UKtelegraph post:
"Maurice Gran finally suggested writing a...
Blood relics
I have taken my von Goering egg timer off ebay-just learned that he did not have the 'von' and the 'China' markings are all wrong! There will be no play or even a short story.
Trivia: Ludendorff is often named as 'von Ludendorff' and he did not have the 'von' either. The...
Your time's a little fast
There's a lively thread on this on a forum dedicated to watch collectors:
The Wrong Time
I did some internet sleuthing and found this:
Slightly different story in at least two particulars: 1.) The engraving is described as being on the back of...
Das Boot
Agreed. The Chicago sub is easy to access and allows a very comprehensive tour and still conveys the 'claustrophobia' feeling. One nice display.
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