I remember asking my mother as a child what the middle finger meant and she told me point blank. But I've always been (and it's becoming more apparent as I post on these boards) somewhat of a goodie goodie. I generally avoid swearing (except in my fiction), don't drink, smoke, etc. I'm a rare...
Those ads are gorgeous. I love old advertising campaigns, especially commericals. On my local PBS station on Saturday nights they show Red Skelton with the commercials intact. It's wonderful.
Sorry for going off topic.;)
I love browsing Cushman's collection and I especially love when I see that others have discovered the magic. Some of those pictures are just begging to have a story told about them.:)
I hope you aren't serious... You should always use a condom or a dental dam when engaging in oral sex as the Herpes viruses both A and B can be exchanged in either direction. But then that also holds true for Yeast infections (ick!). If a person is exhibiting signs of herpes type A with a...
That's true, along with swearing in front of children. Unfortunately most people don't seem to know and or follow it, that and the police are hardly about to issue a ticket for it these days. It's also a very, very old law.
How about this. I don't like the fact that alcohol is restricted as it is. I think when a child is raised to understand and drink alcohol responsibly it is a lot better than barrelling down the slope through high school for the "thrill" of doing wrong. But at the same time I do not like to go...
Abortion being illegal never stopped abortion, it just meant much more dangerous means to carry it out. If it is to be done (for whatever reason as it is not my business, though I do disagree with the woman who carries on recklessly and then seeks one I wouldn't stop her; I believe having a...
It's nice to hang out in this neck of the woods and see your avatar again Root.
That said, I found a nice little site devoted entirely to old photographs that have been forgotten and found. It's gorgeous and makes me wish I had more of an idea about where these pics had come from...
Thanks MK. I already tried to steer it back once, I hope you can do it.
I especially liked this part of your post. There was a lot more concentrated time spent steering children in the right direction and the all around acknowlegement that when your children when out and made a bad name...
I just want to point out (as one who has half-grown up in the newer, more dangerous world) that your generation is also the ones that exacted all of these standards. That raised my generation (and admittedly I'm somewhat afraid for my peers). You all are the ones that held our hands all the...
I'll say...
Well one could always consider the path that some teenagers (though they are in the minority and constantly hear from all sides that their decision is a futile one) to remain virgins until marriage and take chastity pledges and incorporate Christian values into the daily lives...
Oops, then yes. I believe (personally) skirting the law when I have no real excuse to do so is falling into a very unnecessary trap. Couple that with everything I said before and I'm alright.:D
I've heard that back then women were advised to shower versus bathing but I've never heard of foregoing it altogether unless you didn't have adequate facilities. I often wonder how women dealt with bathing in those tiny silver washtubs during that time of the month. Yeesh.
*Raises hand sheepishly*
I have chosen not to drink until I am twenty-one and to do so in as responsible a matter as I can. I do not consider it a fun thing to get drunk and in going to college had my share of drunken friends to watch as an example. Accompanying one friend to the grocery...
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