Darn it. I realized my article (after a certain point) is only available to subscribers, which I refuse to be. So I found another one:
Well this evening on Colbert Report they had a very interesting guest on, Caitlin Flanagan, who supports a return to a time when men and women's roles were well-defined. The man was the bread-winner and the woman was the homemaker. I agreed with ninety-five percent of what she said (the part...
Now I've had the urge to explain some of my name choices. The first two boys names are already explained.
Lillian is for the character from Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged (don't tell me how it ends I haven't finished it yet and I've been reading it for going on two years now.) Edith is...
I read this wonderful article in Harper's Weekly sometime last year (though I can't remember what month exactly now) discussing how the military has changed over the decades and how in our father's and grandfathers generation the military was seen as a good career choice. It attracted young men...
So then WWII really was the "War to end all wars" where WWI should have been. Thank you. That is somewhat reassuring. Though it would mean nothing if we managed to get someone in office who wouldn't even take that into account sometime in the future. I would hate my grandchildren blown up on...
Though this is terribly off-topic of me, I would love to see those Roosevelt books of yours. I've just started to get into their family within the past year (but don't send any suggestions for Collier-Horowitz books my way, they're awful) and it's been a lot of fun. I plan to pick up the FDR...
Well technically FDR and ER were only distant cousins, it was the name that was important. They only had one ancestor in common and that was about the seventeen hundreds or so. It wasn't quite as drastic as it may seem.:)
I just want to clarify that my post wasn't a rant against anyone's posts, it was moreso out of frustration over the general climate of things in day to day life. That people refuse vehemently to look past party lines was something seen even during WWII.
A fantastic example would be the two...
What's worse to see is that this is a good topic and something to be concerned about but because of the state of affairs the real threat might get lost in everyone's arguing back and forth between the Democrats and the Republicans. And in the event that something does happen, there is so much...
It's not necessarily the war that scares me, or even the massive scale of it. It's the warfare itself that worries me. The prospect of tradional (or semi-traditional if you consider swords and horses versus mechanized weapons) fighting is one thing. But the thought of you fellas melting on...
Well (and I'm not trying to bash my generation, though they do worry me) we're putting on the pounds like crazy. I don't think I could expect any guy I know to be able to take basic training as they are right now (heck, even me, but I have asthma so I'm pretty much exempt from active duty...
I wonder now if what I feel is that strange, murky feeling of not-quite-fear (I suppose the correct word is "unease") is what they felt in 1914 and especially 1938.
Last night I watched a documentary about the Armenian Genocide (I wonder if I'm going to hear from anyone who believes it was...
I (ironic, or perhaps not so much) was always very fond of playing house. My sister was the baby and I was the mommy. I looked forward to receiving new baby dolls, doll cribs and toy furniture for Christmas and was constantly going through the catalog marveling at the new toy washer/dryer set...
People have been constantly guessing at the onset of what will become World War III since the closing of the Second World War. According to Wikipedia (I'll admit though that it isn't the best source) some even thought that the Korean War would turn into another World War when it first broke...
It depends on whom it is that I marry (long story) but I have two sets of names that I particularly enjoy picked out.
Girls A:
Lillian Edith
Mariette Ingrid
Anna Julia
Eleanor Rose
Catharine Marie
Giada Camille
Boys A:
First son will be named after their father
James Moore...
Six out of Ten College Students concerned about the moral direction of the country
"College students are becoming more religious, and it's affecting their political views, according to a new Harvard University survey of this potentially influential voting bloc. "Religious centrists" rule...
Give your thanks to the Great Depression. Spiced Ham, potatoes and biscuits. The last two don't sound bad to me though I prefer regular bread and butter. But my mother has never allowed me to eat Spam and now I'm a (for the meantime) a vegetarian.
P.S. According to the official site, SPAM...
That child looks like he was enjoying himself to me. Besides, those clowns don't look scary to me at all, but then I wasn't exactly a true-blue easy scare as a child. I would have wanted to see those clowns and have them make me balloon animals.
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