I thought they weren't allowed to use any sort of modern convenience (I presume that it is permitted in an emergency) but I see them at the airport quite often.
So do modern sanitary napkins count as a new-fangled contraption or simply a modern take on an old standard?
I agree, it just gets down to respect. If you have enough not to swear before the clergy then why is it so hard to expect you to hold your tongue when you're in the company of ladies (and gentleman)?
That sounds incredibly disturbing. Not that it never happened here in the states (of course it did) but I wonder at the well-being of the children involved. And what's the point of nursing two families? I thought the point of getting married (at one time) was to establish a legitimate family...
I apologize for the double posts but for all intents and purposes today's washable sanitary napkins are modeled (in design) after the disposable variety in that they have adhesives (velcro fasteners on the wings) and are made much more thin and presumably comfortable.
While I disagree with...
Now I've been holding off on asking this question for some time as it seemed that it would only suffice during an already "delicate" discussion. But since we're already there what better time than now. What about (if anyone is quite that gung-ho about going vintage) the use of belted sanitary...
Another nice study
TUESDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- The key to keeping kids on the straight and narrow may lie in keeping them physically fit and away from the TV.
A new study finds that teens who take part in many different kinds of physical activity -- particularly with their parents...
Oh no I have nothing against Kinsey or Masters & Johnson, as I am a proponent of being well-informed if you all will remember. I just think that it's gotten far too permissive, too cool and far too casual. I guess I don't know what the answer should be...
Does anyone find themselves excited...
So how is all of this put together exactly? Brassiere+Girdle+Stockings+Tap Pants? I have yet to venture into the world of undergarments and am barely into actual clothing but I'm pretty sure that by the time I'm twenty-five I would like to be wearing vintage-inspired get-ups twenty-four seven...
While that's probably still the case it's much less pervasive than it used to be. And there seems to be no shortage of girls who want that sort of attention. *shudder*
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Sexually charged music, magazines, TV and movies push youngsters into intercourse at an earlier age, perhaps by acting as kind of virtual peer that tells them everyone else is doing it, a study said Monday.
I am glad you shared that article with us. I read Curious George as a child because my aunt let me read her anthology of his stories. I have never bothered to check out the modern Curious George stories as they do not interest me and I believe the first few did the job just fine. But because...
It's not as if I have the right to but I am always especially offended when so-called ladies curse, or men, boys and children swear in front of women. Or, as Magneto experienced, when the person is supposedly operating in a professional capacity, and uses such language. Ay.
With this I only reply with a quote from J.D. Salinger, as told by the fellow in my signature:
"My one terrible consolation is that my beloved has an undying, basically undeviating love for the institution of marriage itself. She has a primal urge to play house permanently. Her marital goals...
That's what happened with baseball. These phenomenal players would arrived from the Latin world, but because they were of African decent (and therefore too "dark-skinned) they would be relegated to the Negro leagues. Now despite all the inherent problems of being on the road as a Negro team...
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