A little too early-twentieth century for me, but I love it. I'm thinking, wake up at five, put on the percolator. Shower if I haven't done it the night before. Start breakfast, eggs, toast and juice (from scratch), and wake children. Get them dressed and at the table. Everyone eating while...
The atmosphere itself tends to lend itself to things looking (somehow) more beautiful than the "naked" charm of the United States. Or maybe its the other way around. Has anyone seen Motorcycle Diaries? I'd give an arm and a leg (figuratively speaking of course) to live in that Doctor's house...
I think that is the absolute best measure of all. So is it a word you would use in front of your parents? Okay, now would you use it in front of your boss? What about your priest? And so on and so forth. Eventually everyone (or I'd hope as much) has someone that they wouldn't dare approach...
I saw this article on Yahoo! and just knew I had to post it. I know that profanity certainly isn't anything new but the prevalence of it these days can be disconcerting especially to someone such as myself who very, very rarely swears aloud:
"This is a story about words we can't print...
The only woman I've ever explicitly thought looked good smoking was Anne Bancroft. Now that she's no longer with us I generally can't think of anyone else... I wonder if Dorothy Dandridge smoked...
I know I promised these a month ago but I finally uploaded my pictures onto the computer today. Some of these were taken from a perspective that highlights architectual qualities versus asthetic as I have a few friends that I share photos with in architecture school. ...And unfortunately I've...
To reestablish the Little Black Sambo
Others have mentioned that the phrase Sambo has more to do with Indians than the African-American and this record cover from 1950 might just cement that fact:
*someone else on this forum provided the link, I apologize that I am unable to...
I just purchased the new American Legacy (an African American history magazine) featuring him and discussing his life along with the new autobiography (his fourth I believe) last week and am a bit shocked. This life served him well...
Aw that reminds me. I've also become a sucker for the odd man out in a bow tie. I especially love to spot some young, nerdy professor guy (in his twenties even) dressed in the old tweed jacket and bow tie set up. This gorgeous (I believe he was Indian) fellow out of Washington D.C. was...
I have that exact same problem. But I love and appreciate my height, there's just something so cute about it.
As for men, I've found that I tend to be attracted to a certain, somewhat cuddly, animated look. Round features without being chubby. Nice expressive eyes (I seem to go for green...
With Dorothy Dandridge and Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley MacClaine is my favorite actress. Thank you so much for sharing this article with me. I read some of the article about her back in Interview Magazine (I think it was December's or January's) but I never managed to finish it.
I guess I'm a little different in that my view of The Apartment hasn't been tainted in that way. The only thing I ever read was a viewer's negative review. No professional critics opinions. So I had the option of growing to love it as I do all by myself without any influence. Which is what I...
I just died a little inside...
I too consider Casablanca overrated and unfortunately have never been able to sit through the entire thing. I just can't get into it. But the Apartment, my god, I just watched that for the umpteenth time last night and it never gets old with me. It's a...
That depends on where you were I suppose. In Texas, especially along the border, discrimination was pretty rampant. Such as the case of Mexican-American WWII veterans being denied burial with other war casualities. Or the general discrimination both law-based (persecution by the Rangers) and...
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