Nice look.
I originally thought about modifying my hatband to be swappable and making an alternative ribbon in the colors of my old college, but the hat is in such good condition for 80+ years old that I don't really want to risk harming the hat.... [huh]
Watch in one vest pocket, chain running through one of the buttonholes, and into the pocket on the other side. (Pocket watches were already largely displaced by wristwatches by the time men stopped regularly wearing vests with their suits.)
Augh! I've been stalling on mine, since wedding preparations have eaten into my bottom line. And just when I'd started to think that a lightweight felt would be ideal for the Japanese spring and autumn.... :(
Guess I'll just have to get a light color, instead. [huh]
Ah, if only I had cared about the way I dressed, back when my parents were still willing to buy me clothes. There's always grad school, I suppose, but we'll see what my wife says about building up a campus wardrobe. lol
"Chino" vs. other cotton-based twills
Can someone explain to me exactly what "chino" is, versus other kinds of cotton-based twills? Wikipedia claims it's a kind of fabric that was used in the 1800s, but gained both its name and popularity after the Spanish-American War. However, the kinds of...
I'd say that just falls under "not dressing better than the interviewers", along the same lines as avoiding a pocket square or cufflinks for fear of coming across as "too good for the job". Shame it has to be that way, but what can you do?
That said, as a matter of personal taste, I don't see...
A few months ago, I would have said "a vintage silk top hat for my wedding", but then metropd was selling one in the Classifieds, and I bought it. [huh]
So now, I guess I'd have to say, "a pristine vintage Lock & Co. bowler, size 7 1/8 UK". That or a VS hat, but the latter is just a matter of...
So, I was standing in the store this evening, thinking about buying a pair or two of cotton slacks for the spring. I've been meaning to find something in cotton drill, but no matter where I look, all I seem to find are "chinos".
But then again, what is the difference between these two...
I don't know that you can really pin down a "standard" lapel size; things varied quite a bit, not everyone went out and bought the latest fashions just because they were there.
That said, there were definite trends in the menswear industry, and I'm curious about specific (if approximate)...
"But I want them now..."
Well, maybe I was half-joking about those things. But seriously, being in England, if you could help me with collar studs and an extra collar, I would be most appreciative.
Or if they are Jewish and suffer verbal/physical abuse. :mad: Not that that's ever happened to me, personally; 'course, I'm not Hasidic, and didn't really wear hats before I came to Japan, where I only register as a Westerner. And while people here have absorbed the same stereotypes as other...
Well, it's been a week and a half since I placed my order... so about another week and a half to go? I'll post pictures when I get them, amidst my frantic packing and re-packing as I prepare to move in with my fiancée. (I think the gloves are being sent to her house, but I can't...
'60s(?) Saks Fifth Avenue
I just got this hat, through my parents back in the States. It's a Saks Fifth Avenue model; not sure of the age, but I'd guess '60s or later, considering the construction and just how stingy it turned out to be in person.
The hat is midnight blue, which is a bit of...
Saks Fifth Avenue Homburg. Hmm...
Just received this Saks Fifth Avenue Homburg, courtesy of my parents, who were acting as intermediaries on my behalf. (An acquaintance was selling off some hats, so they picked it up for me.)
Well... it's not a bad hat, but it's not what I was expecting...
My understanding is that a "pencil curl" comes up only at the edges (and usually all around), and if there is ribbon binding, it is only on the very edge of the brim. Homburgs and Bowlers have a brim that's flatter in front and back, but swept up in the characteristic "smile" on the sides. The...
Aaaand so much for the topic. :rolleyes:
But while we're all scrutinizing this one photograph, what exactly is that on the table besides the wedding cake? Maybe it's just the monochrome playing tricks on my eyes, but I can't identify any of it.
Aaaand going back to the second topic of this thread, I ended up ordering something very much along the lines of the "trad" look from J. Press or Brooks Brothers — three buttons rolled to the middle, natural shoulders, hook vent, stitching on the lapels — but with darts in front, as I don't...
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