I have the Whippet in Caribou. It's a great hat, though I find myself mostly wearing it with a suit -- somehow, it feels too formal for my day-to-day clothes in a way that my midnight-blue homburg doesn't. I'm not really sure why... maybe it's the bound brim? [huh]
Slightly :offtopic: , but it's the same thing here in Osaka. The old name for the city is Naniwa, which is also sometimes written Namba (as in the name of the main central commercial district). In Tokyo's case, though, it has to do with historical romanizations of Japanese, while in Osaka...
I apologize if there's already another thread like this, but the word "size" appears too frequently in this forum for the search feature to be of much use.
Anyhow, the other day, I was pondering the U.S. hat sizing system, and wondering why it was the way it was. The numbers themselves don't...
Dunn & Co. "The Airways" bowler
I just purchased this one:
Looks to be in fine condition (not unworn, but fairly well cared-for), and good for the upcoming Japanese summer. I have no clue as to the age. I took a chance with the...
Buying nice clothes is pretty tricky when you're still growing. And then, once you stop growing upwards, you have to try not to outgrow things sideways... :whistling
Seconded. It's hard to tell the precise effect without being able to see it for ourselves. It could conceivably still be quite classy, depending on how subtle it is, but your description is rather vague.
In short...
Here in Japan, I was told it's a straight line from the roll of the lapel, horizontally over to the "point" below the notch (EDIT: see Tomasso's post below for a perfect illustration of what I mean). By that measurement, the suit I wear for teacher conferences and assemblies has 8.5 cm (~3 3/8")...
Well, my plan was technically to get sized, then to buy an old pair off eBay or somewhere for less than (US) retail, and get them recrafted if need be. But obviously, I wouldn't tell the salesperson that... ;)
I could use a pair of loafers to wear at work, too (have to change shoes at the...
As Japanese "ethnic" restaurants go, it's actually quite faithful.
Now, the tricky part is probably going to be whether I can manage to get this shoe store to ship in some shoes that might fit me just so I can try them on, without me first promising to buy them. My feet are not an easy-to-find...
Guess I wasn't looking hard enough. lol
...And they have a shop in Osaka, too!
Guess I'll have to check it out this Sunday, when my fiancée and I go to Shinsaibashi for lunch. (:offtopic: There's a fantastic Tex-Mex restaurant right on the corner of Nagahori and Shinsaibashi-suji, by the...
Sounds great. I'd love to own a pair of A-E shoes myself, but I don't know what size I'd take and can't seem to find anywhere in Japan that sells them. Perhaps if I find a seller on eBay with a liberal returns policy? [huh]
My gloves came in from Chester Jefferies today!
As I requested, they are unlined grey chamois with a button closure at the wrist. They're also pretty snug (probably my doing, as I specifically asked for a tighter fit), though comfortable once I get them on--I just hope they stretch a bit...
Heh... I should have realized that. In my defense, I vaguely recalled you asking a similar question to your other one recently, which I thought I might as well reply to at the same time;I just didn't realize it was from last year. :o I blame old age (time flies when you're out of school).
I just replied to your other thread, but I suppose I'll respond here, as well.
I don't know exactly what's expected at your school when it comes to "formal", but do be aware that a pinstriped suit does not technically qualify as such. A suit is business dress, which is on the formal end of the...
Let's not forget
A link to the Black Tie Guide, as well.
Their Hall of Shame is a useful illustration of what happens when you try too hard to color-coordinate with your date (among much else).
A senior prom is obviously not an event on par with an ocean cruise or a state dinner, but it's...
By complete coincidence, I was wearing my midnight blue Saks Fifth Avenue homburg earlier (with casual clothes; it's actually pretty versatile!). No pics though, since I forgot and it's not a bowler anyway.
One of these days, I need to pick up a classically-styled bowler in my size (58 cm /...
Teenagers (well, people in general, but especially teenagers) can be unbelievably cruel. Multiply this by a factor of 10 if they live in the same house.
They'll grow out of it, eventually. Probably. In the meantime, start annoying them about their own clothes. :p
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