There was an article a few days ago in the Wall Street Journal about bow ties mounting a comeback:
Not impossible, but tricky until you get the motions down. I suppose the size of your fingers is a consideration as well, but I don't think it's impossible unless you are pathologically incapable of fine motor skills.
Plus, a pre-tied bow moves you from the realm of "charmingly old-fashioned"...
So, what do you do when you wear out the sole? Send it to the cobbler with instructions to use a time machine and go back to the '40s to get it redone? Or do you have so many by now that you'll never possibly wear them down enough?
In Japan, I see a lot of salarymen who have obviously been hitting the izakaya a few too many times a week trying to compensate by only doing up the bottom button or wearing a double-breasted like a single. Don't really see it on younger men, which leads me to believe it's mainly a result of...
More stroller questions:
Is it acceptable to wear a vest underneath a double-breasted jacket? Does it depend at at all on the button stance?
Also, should a stroller have vents? I know they're frowned-upon for tuxedos...
Looks like it's coming along! Not being handy with a needle and thread (or anything requiring manual dexterity, for that matter), I'm still waiting to find a decent used tuxedo from the same thrift shop where I got my morning coat. Alas, I'm still waiting. Plenty of slipped black morning...
Exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. That said, I'm not really intending to wear these trousers with the morning coat, so I think it's probably safe to go with the POW if that's what suits me better. I'd like to have both, eventually, but I'll content myself with one pair for now. The...
And with the wedding out of the way, on to the next quest...
I was pleasantly surprised that things went as well as they did -- even the rented morning coats managed to look halfway decent with the wedding ties and pocket squares I gave to the groomsmen.
Anyway, as you can tell by my...
1. I can't help it. I'm an English teacher; I am a pedant by definition. If people such as me don't catch blatant misspellings, comma splices, and greengrocers' apostrophes, then who will? :p
2. Duly noted. ;)
Duly noted. I'll be headed up to the tailor's sometime this week, so as to be able to send along my clothes before I arrive in the U.S. (I trust the postal service a bit more than the airlines when it comes to transporting important items.) They should be able to get the remaining issues worked...
Fair enough. Come to think of it, I do suppose the (American-only?) tradition of keeping the dress does seem a bit odd: a morning coat has potential (if rare) uses outside one's own wedding, but a wedding dress ...not so much. [huh]
I forgot to mention the monocle and the fake moustache. Would that help? (Also, I think impersonating a recipient of a cultural prize would stand a better chance of being illegal than a "Western Gentleman". I'd have to keep it vague: "中高学校における英語教育に活躍して、教室内の環境を大きく変化させたために受章した" or some-such.)...
Right you are; many thanks for the tip.
On an unrelated note, I recently described to my wife, on a lark, an idea I had to get more use out of my morning coat and top hat. It goes something like this:
On sunny weekends, I could go up to Osaka Castle Park and situate myself on the long...
So, my waistcoat finally came. It was delayed by the whole "ash cloud over Europe" debacle, but it's here.
Here are some pictures.
First, a view with the coat off. On advice from Charlie Huang and others, I got it with mother-of-pearl buttons.
The tailors were Batak House Cut, the...
Very nice.
In the meantime, I'd suggest you keep an eye on that "Stalin" guy. He may seem like your friend, but word is he's out to get you. Just sayin' ;)
I know, I know... that was a terrible history joke.
Anyway, I'm itching to get back to the thrift shop where I found my peacoat and...
Looks good on you.
Just to be nitpicky, I'd say that the sleeves need to be taken in a bit more to end at your wristbones and show some shirt cuff. But the overall effect is quite nice.
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