Thanks! I was a bit worried about how well it would suit me, but it was even better than I'd hoped. Actually, it looks a lot like the Deckard MD-1, only with smaller overall proportions. Perfect for a wide-brim-averse guy such as myself.
"Easily", however, is a matter of opinion. After I...
New hat - p2
So, as a follow up to this post, I've gone ahead and modified the crown into a relaxed diamond with a tighter pinch in front. It wasn't too hard to do, and now the felt is much more pliable on top—apart from the spots that formed the ridges of the C-crown, which are still a bit...
My first fur-felt hat
So, my very first fur-felt fedora, purchased through Bencraft, came in the mail yesterday.
Seeing how I favor a lower crown and shorter brim, I settled on Stetson's modern reproduction Whippet. I probably could have gone lower / stingier, but for my first fur-felt, I...
I'm still leaning toward the Ashland in Caribou. I may also be getting a newsboy cap when I finally make the purchase. (My girlfriend decided that I should choose myself rather than leaving it to her, so she's basically given me a price range inside of which I can get anything I want. Takes the...
From the looks of it, the "Classic" model has an extra row of buttons, welt pockets instead of slash, and a one-piece back. Personally, I think the "Navigator" model is both classier and more of a classic look, but your mileage may vary.
Yep. It's like that, but also has instructions for dry-cleaning (which puts it at the turn of the Fifties, according to the Peacoat Dating thread).
I'm still pretty new here, so I apologize if this has been brought up before, but after browsing the fantastic collection of Golden-Age catalogue images, I've got two questions:
None of the suit jackets appears to have any vents in the back. Was that the standard back then, or was a...
So, this evening, riding my bike home from work, I stopped in a secondhand shop in Sayama in order to scout out possible finds. (As I detailed in another thread, it's how I got a very nice 1950-ish peacoat for cheap.)
This time, I saw, sitting among the usual crop of sewn wool stingies, an...
More specifically, Sterlingwear of Boston is the official supplier of peacoats to the U.S. Navy. They're not the same exact fabric as vintage, but they're reasonably priced and more authentic (in terms of purpose, at least) than the various fashion brands' versions. It's the same exact model as...
Back from the tailor!
I just got back from the tailor, so here are a few courtesy shots.
The whole thing. Please disregard any hanging laundry peeking in from the sides; it was raining yesterday.
The buttons. The orange thread is gone, replaced by a more tasteful color.
Back seam, then...
That's exactly the point I was making.
For me, 2" – 2 1/4" is the "sweet spot" in terms of brim width. I have nothing against wider styles, but they just don't work on me. It's not my goal to look like some guy trying to pull off wearing a classic-look hat; I want the hat to work for me...
I'd already been moving away from the Anello in my consideration since a number of other members voiced their support for different models. If I do end up getting a Borsalino, I'd say that the San Remo is likely to be it.
At the same time, I'm leaning towards the Stetson Ashland; the Temple...
I see. An anecdote does not a statistic make, but on the other hand, I'd hate to be the repeat occurrence that starts to show a pattern. The cost to
return a defective hat would completely eliminate the advantage in price from this particular shop. So, I suppose the question is this: if I...
So, I was leaning towards pulling the trigger on the Borsalino San Remo, and then I saw this deal. Including priority shipping to Japan, the total comes to $120.50. I think... I think I'm gonna take the plunge.
I guess I'll just have to ask my girlfriend for the other one for Christmas. (As it...
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