Wow... just, wow.
I've only recently begun seriously looking into straw boaters, and I can't help but be amazed at the difference in the quality of the weave between then and now. The modern stuff, even at vintage proportions, doesn't even compare.
Oh, and you wear it well, too. :eusa_clap
Not to change the subject, but...
My morning coat came in the mail yesterday! :)
I haven't taken any pictures yet, but it was from this auction on eBay. Once I upload some images, I'll put them up on my thread from earlier.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with it: it fits well in the shoulders...
I, too, have noticed something of a trend towards hacking pockets on RTW suits. I'm not a fan of the look, so it bothers me if I see something I like but for that one crucial detail.
As for the "why", I think it's just the whims of fashion. It's the kind of thing that looks "different" at...
Not to dredge up an old comment, but...
That is correct. It's my understanding that they were such a hot commodity last year that the major maker of quality straw hats in Japan (Nishikawa Seibou, a.k.a. "Bunjirow" after its current boss) was backlogged at least a month in orders, and completely...
I find it interesting how it's shown with the brim barely snapped. Or was it even a snap-brim, at that point?
Is the gentleman in the bowler wearing a pinstriped cutaway?! :eek:
Really? 'Cause a lot of the RTW stuff I've seen has them. Made-to-measure places also generally give that as an option... or is my sarcasm detector broken for today? [huh]
*re-reads* ...Yep, it's broken.
I'm actually looking at them as one of my options to get a formal waistcoat made, if I'm unable to find one used/vintage. They're the only ones I've found thus far who make one in the silhouette I'm looking for -- all the department-store-brand places either don't do lapels on D.B...
My current plan is, whenever an invitation or public notice states that an event's dress code is "formal" without realizing that it means something more than a suit, I will naïvely follow these instructions to the letter. I mean, they can't blame me for doing what they said to do, right?
I don't know about that particular fabric, but $500-600 is good enough in Japan for a basic-grade, 100%-wool suit, made to measure domestically from domestic stock. Bespoke (true "custom") tailoring would tack on about a $500 premium, and they'd probably be unwilling to work with the same grade...
Recent purchases
Thanks, everyone, for all the helpful replies. It would appear I'm making progress.
After the scouring the internet and shops around Osaka, I've managed to acquire most of what I need for my wedding this August. This includes several strategic eBay purchases.
First, this...
Find someone to marry? I'm finding it's a great excuse to put together a formal rig, and with the bride's approval, no less! (She likes it when I look good.) :p
Seriously though, I've got a morning coat on the way myself, so I'll be looking for other reasons, as well. Is there such a thing as...
I've seem the same sort of thing, and have been wondering as well. At first I thought it might be a sign of a rolled lapel vs. one that's been creased flat, but I've also seen the same phenomenon on jackets that were by no means well-made...
And on a different subject, is there a set, proper...
I always saw this the other way: if you already owned a tailcoat, the only accessory you needed to invest in (aside from the suit itself) was the tie. A plausible-enough supposition at the turn of the (20th) century, when the use of semi-formal eveningwear was still heavily proscribed, but what...
A matter of taste, I think.
As for me, I can never get the thing to fold right, so I just end up stuffing it in the pocket anyway. It looks all right nonetheless.
Textured weaves -- acceptable?
So, I've been scouting around the Internet for deals on morning-dress items so as to acquire a formal rig for my wedding ceremony (see other thread). While I'm on that track, I was wondering if people could help me out with a more arcane aspect of morning coats...
I'll see what I can do about the shirt. Oddly enough, it seems that off-the-rack shirts with French cuffs are hard to come by at the moment. They must be "out" this season. [huh]
I do think I've made some progress on the waistcoat front, though. I've looked into having one made, and it appears...
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