Hmm... all of mine are front-style. Perhaps I'll seek out one for the back.
Sounds complicated, but I'll persevere. For what it's worth, I also picked up a wing collar from the Vintage Shirt Company because it wasn't that expensive. It's not exactly the same, but I could practice with that...
All right. I actually have one bespoke shirt which I used to judge the need for alterations on the morning coat's sleeves, as my arms are slightly different lengths, so that should be easy to judge by, as well.
Actually, I would, except that a couple of them are discolored from age. They're...
OK... In the past few weeks, I've:gotten my trousers altered to a better length;
purchased off eBay, then returned, a morning coat which had... problems;
got some sock-suspenders for my suit, which should also work well with my formal rig;
bought a collarless dress shirt (and sleeve garters)...
Here's a headwear-related question.
I know that a homburg is appropriate to wear with a dinner suit (tuxedo), and a homburg or bowler is fine for a stroller (black lounge). But what about during the summer months? I've seen pictures of people in white dinner jackets wearing boaters, but is...
Just won this:
This was in response to my fiancée's intent to get me a boater for my birthday. As most of our resources are currently being focused towards the wedding, I decided that I might be able to save her some...
I had one, back in my college days. I was in the choir, and that was the men's uniform. It was, of course, polyester, designed more for durability than a night out on the town. The lapels were notched, and the shirt had one of those one-inch wing collars that everyone dislikes so much, but it...
Really? My sweatband is black and probably not actual leather...
I don't have the hat in front of me, but as I recall, "Whippet" isn't written on the sweatband, but it is on the sticker with the barcode underneath.
That's not right.
The Japanese for "bowler hat" is:
山高帽子 (yamataka-boushi) or
山高帽 (yamataka-bou)
Both mean "high-crowned hat", funnily enough.
They were adopted en masse by those who could afford to do so during the 1870s, after the emperor proclaimed the abolishment of the samurai class and...
Very well, then...
I like the looks of this one. I don't know on what basis the seller decided that it's from the '30s or '40s, but at the very least, it seems to be constructed properly. The length appears about right, and while the sleeves are a bit long, that shouldn't be a problem as long...
I've almost won two or three of their offerings, only to be outbid at the last second each time. Frustration...
That said, it appears that there are some good examples up on eBay right now that might fit me, if only the sellers realized that a simple suit-size designation and nothing else is no...
Looks like a suit to me. The non-satin lapels, outer pockets, and lack of waist seam also rule out its being a frock coat. I suppose semi-formal morning dress is possible, though, since we can't see his trousers.
The verdict
Aaaand it's official: They can't do anything with the morning coat. There's just not enough material to fix the vent and tails into the proper configuration. In fact, I halfway suspect he kept the coat there at the counter for a day, just for the sake of humoring me. It didn't seem...
I was beginning to suspect that, but for the moment, I've brought it to a respectable tailor (with illustrations of my ideal silhouette and the proper vent construction) to see what he can do with it. He told me "it might be a bit difficult" (that's Japanese for "no way in Hell"), but he...
That's... odd. I'd think that it was done as a cost-saving measure, except the other coats from the same brand, from the same seller, don't have the same quirk and appear to be constructed normally. Maybe I got a lemon?
But let's say, for the sake of argument, that I try and get the tailor to...
Actually, that's the first thing up. Before I touch the morning coat and its, er... special vent design, I'm getting this done. I've discovered that, thanks to some creative snipping under the front hem, I can't get it taken down as much in front as I'd like, but at least vintage illustrations...
Thanks for the concise explanation. I'll be on the lookout for plain black horn buttons, then.
As for the coat, I'll see what the tailor thinks when I bring it in; first thing is to acquire a waistcoat, though. I didn't pay all that much for the cutaway, so I don't mind if the cost to tailor...
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