For the quiz posted:
I had a tie-breaker question, ooo tough. Didn't score too high on any of them.
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='300'><tr><td><table border='0' width='300' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><p><font face='Arial'...
You should definitely put up your pictures of Italy!
You're good at the picture IDs, all right, including Amsterdam. The others are Lucerne, Switzerland (the first photo of the wooden bridge) Munich, Germany, and Innsbruck, Austria.
It was a 12 day bus tour that went through 8 countries...
Ooo, Jonathan Rhys Meyers is pretty. In a bad boy sort of way, of course. Have you seen Gormenghast? There this one scene where he shoots a seductive look at one of the female characters. Wow - that's all I can say about that look.
Have you seen any other Busby Berkeley films? Out of the others I've seen I think Golddiggers of 1933 and Footlight Parade are my favorites. I like the pre-code ones best for their bits of risqueness, like with the dance number Pettin' in the Park. I love the hypnotic dance numbers, the...
"All right, bananas. We haven't done them, have we? Right. Bananas. How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. Here you, take this. Now, it's quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; next, you eat the...
lol Good one.
1. Oscar Wilde
2. any Monty Python member
3. Stephen Colbert
4. Virginia Woolf
5. Dick Powell
6. Louis Le Prince
I'm mostly looking for a dinner party with humor and wit. I'd especially like to listen in on the Wilde/Colbert conversation. Woolf and Le...
The Victorian period is definitely runner up favorite time period.
I like the dark moodiness associated with the period.
And the lighter elements. (Long live the British costume drama!)
But the goth look that derives its style from Victorian elements isn't my thing. I like black...
Recently some new friends I made guessed my birthday as 1983, but nope. It's September 13, 1986.
It's fun to occasionally have a Friday the 13th birthday.
Last family gathering was Tribond, and some sort of Tribond party game, along with Trivial Pursuit. My personal favorite is Clue. Although not a board game, all sorts of family members are fond of texas hold 'em.
This is a tougher question to answer than I thought it would be. I think it's a very subjective label. For me it's a combination of things. I think it's a rare occasion that I'd apply the label handsome on someone in real life unless I had more to go by than simply seeing a face. Moviestar...
In high school I had to make a boat for physics class. It was a 3 person project, with two of the three having to be in the boat.
My two friends were in the boat, I blacked them out in case they don't appreciate being posted online. Not anywhere as cool or elaborate as the boat you...
Since the last time I posted in this thread my employment situation hasn't really changed much - I'm still a student. Although I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to move on, as much as I love a lot of what I study. Right now I'm hoping to get into the Moving Image Archive Studies program...
Well, I don't do the baking, but I eat a lot of what my aunt and Mom bake, which includes: sugar cookies (cut out ones complete with multi-colored icing), spritzer cookies (my favorite), biscotti, chocolate dipped pretzels, double layer fudge, coconut chocolates and then the rest varies from...
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