Thanks for these, they're really great. In 1975 I worked on the Matador Ranch outside of Dillon, Montana in the summer, and I drank in the saloon and ate in the cafe shown in the Dillon picture. Don't know what it's like now, but back then things looked exactly the same as in the photo. One got...
Something else from the FWIW file. I've read that the spike in lung cancer in the middle of the last century was not so much a result of the increase in cigarette smoking, but in the way modern tobacco is grown.
I can't remember the chemistry, but in the piece I read the fault was laid at the...
Andy, I can't read German if that is in fact what language is being used in that ad, so can't be sure, but it looks precisely like the pack I have which is the 'big' one, stands about 19" high. I've never actually seen the little one, just remember being told by the guy who sold me mine that I...
GREAT score! That'd be worth some simoleons to the right collector. I was just recently looking at an article on those.
And, just fyi, there's a company in business right now which sells cob pipes that goes by the name Aristocob.
Just today I got 4 Missouri Meerschaums in the mail from...
Take it for what it's worth, but studies have been done that say that PIPE smokers live longer than non-smokers. Honest.
In my case, the mental therapeutic value is worth the risk of physical illness inherent in tobacco use. I'm also just immature enough to enjoy doing something that is so...
I agree that if you're out for an extended period in a real gully-washer, you want serious rain gear, and that includes rain pants. What I guess I was on about is when you're out in a drizzle, or just in and out of cars and buildings and such, I find the A2 much more comfortable and handy. And...
Neat pipe, Nick. You can tell it's from the days when a guy would stick a pipe in his gob and leave it there while he went about his business. Nice and long, out from under the nose, light weight, slim and trim. Now days with the 'one or two bowls a day out behind the wood shed' ethic that has...
Hey, do any of you use your leather jackets as rain gear? I've got a nice Barbour Beaufort rain coat that mostly sits in the closet because I find that my A2 works just as well and I like the short length better. I've gotten it soaked while keeping me dry inside and it doesn't seem to mind this...
Speaking of bricks and mortar tobacconists, when I lived in Victoria, B.C. there was a place right downtown called E.A. Morris. They had been in the same location since the 1890's. Tile floors, big alabaster gas-fired cigar lighter in the middle of the floor, whole place was all mahogany and...
Five Brothers in a cob. 'Bout as vintage as you can get, methinks. All that you've heard about 5 bros strength? It's all true.
A very plain, straight fwd dose of vitamin N, good for getting the cobwebs out the morning after the night before.;)
I would like to think I could aspire to being as neat a guy as Gary Cooper, but I'm pretty sure that's out of the question. He is though an iconic figure from the era we like, probably my favorite personality of the age. Kinda defines what American manhood should be. I like every one of his...
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