Much depends on your community, much depends on your age and much depends on just how different you look. Like it or not, your image projects whatever people want to read into it. In today's economy, wearing a nice suit either speaks of elegance, style and class or being the so called "1%". If...
When I was in journalism, we would take the AP ticker, change the wording and print it as an article. You were literally reading a paragraph, if that, and trying to make an impressive story.
Just like a corporation trying to squeeze every last ounce of "production" out of its...
jlee562, I totally get what you're saying; the blogosphere has become a necessary facet of supplemental news information.
On the other hand, a blog is nothing more than an editorial. John Doe is not representing The Cedar Rapids Gazette, he's representing himself and his blog Doe-Ra-Me...
That is a fact. In Des Moines, weather and sports are key on broadcast news. The Des Moines Register, well, let me know if you actually catch anyone reading it. The DMR went from a nationally renowned, Pulitzer prize winning newspaper to a Gannett-owned flop that fired every decent journalist in...
kiwilrdg, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're basically saying that many things are relative, especially regarding conflicts.
When towers come down in the US, it hurts our feelings (in the US), but doesn't necessarily make the same impact on someone in Iraq.
When a school full children is...
Excellent link, Noir. And yet more evidence that journalism is shameless in its pursuit to sell a story, both past and present.
If you haven't visited the link (and you probably should if you are at all interested in that photo) you'll see accounts from those photographed. They claim they...
Very cool sites, although a bit pricey. Thanks fellas!
I would be interested in the items a little more if they were relics from local buildings in my city. Alas, most of those were torn down from 1960-1990, with plenty before and since. Anything out of those buildings that didn't make the...
Now THAT'S where we need a thread - Rubberneckers!
Drive! Stop backing up traffic to see what someone else is doing! If you're not slowing down for safety's sake, hit the gas and cruise right along! Des Moines is so full of rubbernecking geeks I stopped taking the aux. interstate.
Although I can see where this could be interpreted in an inflammatory way, I remember that day quite clearly and I don't think anyone knew exactly what was going on as the events unfolded. To this day, there are still a load of unanswered and often ignored questions.
One picture with some...
I didn't see this posted anywhere and I know everyone on the Lounge might like to glance over this.
Exploring 1938 San Francisco through aerial photography in Google Earth
I have a bottle from about four years ago that's glass. I use it after I shower/shave, but not on my face. I use it as a one-time body thing. I'm getting low so I was planning to run out and purchase some more. Not if it's plastic!
I use witch hazel on my face after a shave. And that's it...
I don't know about a specific brand, but you'll want something with a relatively stiff bristle. There are also orange sponges out there that work amazingly. I picked up my sponges from the St. Joseph, MO Stetson factory some years back and they're still working fine.
Regarding different...
See my previous comment:
If I thought there was a point, I would have continued the discussion. It wasn't until this afternoon that I realized some people (and by some people, of course I mean the some people you and I are discussing) simply enjoy stepping out of line in internet forums for...
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