I've noticed this trend too, actually. The "tuxedo wear" industry has shifted to allow for shirts with plain fronts and wing collars. Of course, the collars are still too low, but they work if you're on a budget.
I would think a wing collar would like quite nice if you're wearing a 3 piece...
The only reference I can offer is having poured over catalogs and old photos, and I've not seen anything like this. There are other Loungers, no doubt, that may have more experience in such matters.
So do the collar tips, for all other purposes, appear correct? I mean to say, if you were to...
Yeah, like the others said, I'd try other methods first. The price of a Naphtha bath is enough that you can't just run out and do it for next to nothing. There are plenty of health concerns one might have as well, and it's typically unnecessary except in situations where a hat is quite soiled.
Just saw this today in the NYT. There are already Americans doing this today; Americans with families and jobs, not just the faceless homeless we might imagine. Let's hope this isn't a sign of things to come...
Spain Recoils as Its Hungry Forage Trash Bins for a Next Meal
Pants that fit to my waist and not at my hips.
When the missus and I are out plugging around at the store or the mall, people think we're fundamentalists.
Please note the Last edited by Undertow; Yesterday at 02:34 PM at the bottom of my post you were quoting. I entered the [regarding the wars started in 2003] in brackets to reflect the entry as an edit. It was done at a glance and not intended to be etched in stone. I thought it would be nice to...
I've noticed that with Japanese culture. I mean they take weird ideas to the extreme sometimes. I don't know what to say about it...
It's weird, yes, but is it creative? Can you call something like this creative? Or innovative? What do you call something like this? In all seriousness? Is this...
Here at the Lounge, we like to focus on the Golden Era and its trappings; fashion and style the most obvious.
So enjoy the following article and say aloud to yourself, "Kids today..."
"Bagel Head" Trend Is the Newest Fashion Sensation"
Tattoos, body piercings and implants have become...
Certainly war is war, whether it's in Germany, Afghanistan or wherever you like, and it's full of horrendous things not worth discussing in any circle. The only thing that changes from conflict to conflict, beside technology, is the nationality of those fighting. However, in the case of...
Sorry mate, but from your past posts and from this kind of post, one would assume you have little interest in our interests. You might think about joining a forum more suited* to your tastes.
*yes, enjoy the tasty pun, muwahaha
One might even argue that the entire Pacific Theater was give very little time in history. There was Pearl Harbor followed by some nuclear bombs, direct your eyes to the screen here...those are mushroom clouds...and that was the end of that.
I went to see The Thin Red Line when it came out in...
Nanking was transformed into a horrendous wasteland. I was never taught about this in school, and I rarely heard discussion of this among intellectural friends, and then only murmurs because none of them had any history on the subject. It's nauseating to think of all those people murdered. It's...
I'd say that sounds like a cowardly move on anyone's part. Shouting people down because they raise important questions is precisely what's wrong with mob rule. I'm quite peeved by those comments, "If you don't like it, get out!" or, "Would you rather live in [enter 3rd world country]?" That's an...
[I'm honestly doing my best to skirt partisan politics, which I know are banned here and which I'm frankly not interested in discussing at all, but which can muddle a theoretical and historical discussion. So please forgive me...]
And here's where the present day has me wondering.
We have...
I don't think that the WWII generation was ignorant to the facts, but I wonder if they accepted the demonization of the German and Italian people. We certainly allowed our government to shift Japanese Americans around into camps, or relocate them to different areas of the country. I'm sure many...
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