Jelly Babies! Real, authentic Jelly Babies--and so close too! Me thinks I'm going to make a pilgrimage, yum!
Also, I'm so sorry to hear you have to take the Prednisone again. One of my closest friends is a severe asthmatic and has to take it every few months (much against her will)...
That sounds like so much fun!
I attended a similar night that a friend's family did except with the old Super 8 movies her father had taken. One of the movies showed my friends father feeling no pain on New Years Eve 1974. "Well, I predict this reel is gonna be lost soon" he quipped.
I love this movie and your comment made me think of a story related to the film.
I had a dinner party once with 2 single women and a married couple and we overruled the man (Dave) in the group and put Sense and Sensibility into the VCR. Dave moaned and groaned about having to watch a...
Pity me, Josephine, pity me! ;)
One package of seam binding didn't even make it halfway around the hem--so it must be over 6 yards around. Eek!
Oh, and putting some of the seam binding on narrow side out--it's sad how often I do that--you'd think we'd learn!
I always thought this photo was a little androgynous; it's her hands I think
Other photos from the 20's/early 30's I love; none of these photos are the best reproductions
I was supposed to go out last night but I cancelled at the last minute because I realized "The Family of Blood" was on Doctor Who and I decided I'd rather curl up on the couch and see that. It was a good call! Human Nature/The Family of Blood is one of my favorite storylines. Some complained...
Josephine, you look so great in your dress! I know what you mean about feeling dressed up in this one--maybe it's hardwired in girls that nipped waist + full skirt = dressy?
I'm making a two toned version. I took these quick shots to see if I should put seam binding along the hem and I'm...
Here's the other picture that gets a lot of play from the fangirls.
It was taken at the Sundance Film Festival last year (it cracks me up that he's wearing Merrell slip on shoes!).
Also, he's awfully yummy in the "Singin' in Korean" video parody he made this Spring (the man can...
Your new avatar wearing the hat is so adorable LD--you're setting the bar mighty high for the rest of us! What location did you pick? San Francisco's crawling with great deco possibilities.
Well, now at least I know why it was so unseasonably hot today--it was all Daisy's fault for raising the temperature!
Excellent pictures Hemingway--those first two are especially sultry but I think my favorite is the fourth--very "Daisy-esque".
The Painted Veil with Edward Norton and Naomi Watts.
This one got mixed reviews from my friends, but I liked it alot. Lyrical pace, gorgeous scenery and nice character development. I wanted to cheer during the last scene, which I didn't expect.
Edward Norton is one of those actors who...
That sounds like a great exhibit, wish I could catch it.
Just for kicks, here's one of my favorite daguerreotypes:
A member of the Brooks Family from the collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
While I was in graduate school I had a vivid dream that I was an all powerful dictator (dictatress?) who condemned my least favorite teacher to a terrible fate. It was disturbing but oddly satisfying.
In order;
A Ballet Dancer
An Architect
A Saint (my Joan of Arc phase; pros--speaking to God and the Saints, having visions, cons--that pesky martyrdom thing)
An Aviatrix (my Amelia Earhart phase)
A Portrait Painter
Then I went to college and I had no idea!
Basic Instinct 2--need I say this was NOT my choice?
Worse than I thought it could be; about the best I can say is that London looked lovely. Not even my beloved David Thewlis could salvage this dog (I hope he got a big fat paycheck!).
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