To be a "remake" they have to basically follow the script and characterization. To simply use the title is not a remake. Shooting a film that is set 60 years later isn't a remake either even if the story is as close as possible to the original. They're simply takeoffs.
Matt it is simply the double standard that exists for boys and girls- An overdressed boy looks "business-like" and an overdressed girl calls to mind exploitave images of Jon Bennet Ramsey and that seedy ilk.
Bottom line it in that there are no beauty competitions for boys yet there are for...
There were only 12 U boats in existance when the Titanic went down! The 4 oldest U-1 to U-4 were relagated to training flotillas and the absolute fastest submerged speed of the best of the other 8 was 10 knots. This is so slow that pursuit of the Titanic hauling along at 21 knots would have...
Ain't too bad since it is a larger size. "Too much" is relative. There are folks around here that will spent $175-225 for certain hat they deem "must have."[huh]
Carter- how true. There are no more real bartenders. A friend of mine could produce probably a couple hundred drinks from memory but the job category itself ended up typically as a place he applied once- " we don't need someone who can make 100 drinks. All we get calls for is the same 12 or...
Bebop- I agree that as soon as we are shown things about actors' private lives it forever ruins the illusion of myth and fantasy they provide playing an ancient Roman in one movie and a modern-era lawyer in another.
The whole Enquirer mania of delving into actors' private lives is purient...
Me, I don't care what celebrities think about anything. If they are performers and produce good work that stands for itself. Their opinion about animal rights or underwear ads has no more gravity that Joe Bloe down the street. Even if they do bellow different "political" opinions than mine I...
Seems primary to me as well Matt. But I guess the crossover advertising has some effect on people. Beyond fast food it seems every retail outlet tries to carry what competitors do in order to syphon off some customers.
Sometimes in the end the crossover merchandising is so intense that...
"Who put the bop in the bop shu bop de bop?
Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?"
Are almost as profound as,
"Oo ee oo ah ah, ting, tang, walla walla bing bang":rolleyes:
Baron, sometimes I see threads closed in short order even though no one was rude or the topic was lewd in the farthest of stretch.
It why this emoticon works so well [huh] so you can walk away shaking you head muttering I guess.
I went to and searched for overalls. Found them and a couple are darker denim and sold only in stores. I went to the European and found a whole lot of stores in the Czech Republic. Don't they have them?
Gideon, if you live in certain areas California is heaven. I have long ago given up on politics and politicians- they're all slime- so you ain't commenting politically. And I have always carried illegally when I have deemed it appropriate so I don't really care any more.;)
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