Benny Holiday
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carter said:or..."It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." (Who said that?).
Abraham Lincoln.
carter said:or..."It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." (Who said that?).
Used to be a time when your parents would come home and watch the news...
The Captain said:Sure, these folks have a bigger pulpit than most, but that's the way it is.
Viola said:The actress who shall go unnamed who said she'd kill herself if she was as fat as Marilyn Monroe? [huh]
The young manufactured pop-princess being marketed as "punk" who didn't know who the Ramones were, and couldn't see why it mattered?
Baron Kurtz said:This seems liek a long-running thread in the making. I haven't heard what Penn has said recently but i saw a headline that he was down speaking to Hugo.
Dixon Cannon said:P.S. I once had the pleasure of watching two teachers, one a math teacher and one and english teacher argue about which is proper: "7 and 5 IS 11" or "seven and five ARE eleven". Back and forth they went until someone asserted the opinion that "7 Plus 5 = TWELVE" !
Twitch said:I simply divorce what these people do in their profession from what they say in press releases.
Originally Posted by Viola
The actress who shall go unnamed who said she'd kill herself if she was as fat as Marilyn Monroe? [huh]
Baron Kurtz said:Should actors who know absolutely nothing about the intricacies of land mines or international terrorism, but are against both, also shut up?
What about people trafficking - a particularly murky area with very few people who know much about how it works - should they shut up about that, too?
Should Priests be allowed to comment publically upon sexuality and lifestyle choices of which they have only the vaguest, mired in prejudice, notions?
Should we limit comment to the renowned experts and have everyone else hold their tongues? You can have your opinions - which we will assume to be un-, ill- or under-informed - but by God, you can't state them in a medium that people can read/hear.
Or should they only shut up when they say anything "controversial" (taking 'controversial' here to mean 'anything with which i don't agree')?
I suggest you go to the powder room of this Lounge and start throwing around your opinions about make up and eyeliner and what skin cream is best for a light complection. Unless you know something about these subjects, most that do, will tell you to shut up. Well, we have such well mannered people here that it would not be said much, but it would be thought.luvthatlulu said:Let's all step back a moment from whatever side of this issue we're on and imagine this scenario, if you will:
Let's suppose that all the artists get together one day and decide that, because all the "little people" (that would be us, unfortunately) know so very little about any of the artists' particular craft, we should all be forever banned from speaking publicly our opinions on their work. Further, if you should happen to be overheard being critical of an actor's latest movie release, as an example; you risk imprisonment, deportation or -- at the very least -- a severe and public reprimand from the studio. Everyone okay with that? Now, imagine that having attained that new authority over you, the artists also decide that your pathetic little opinion about anything else matters so little that it, too, should be banned from public airing with risk of the same penalties. Not so funny now, is it?
I have said it before, and I will say it again: I will never, ever stand by quietly while someone's voice is censured, even if I totally disagree with them; because whatever I allow to happen to them may someday just as suddenly happen to me. The day my head goes on the block, simply because I voiced an opinion and no matter how ill-founded my opinion may be, I would hope there would be just one small voice in the crowd with enough guts to shout, "Hold on, people, this isn't right!"