Another score for the Northeast! Since I'm only about 90mi. due West, and you
keep finding Borsalinos, maybe I bring all the Stetsons I've got ,and we see
what happens...question of size-me a 7 3/8 long oval, have 7 1/8-7 1/2
Stetsons, Royal DeLuxe, a dandy Whippet, etc. I've also got a...
Daniel: The first fixture you show, the one with the horseshoe shaped wooden
gizmo on top & hook beneath-how about measuring the avg. ht. of ea.hat
while in the holder,upside-down, obviously, mark it (assume we're using a piece of wood 48"L x 3"W x 1/2" thick), and mount one holder; if you...
Great. After reading about armholes ad infinitum, and learning quite a bit in
the process, I ventured into the deep recesses of my closet and managed to
pull out a suit and two sports jackets. Suit is modern, Bill Blass finest wool
I've ever had,wonderful dark charcoal grey; put it on...
such a deal. such a hat. and not $15.00- $7.50!! one of the best steals
(deals) I've been privy to-that Stetson is wonderful, wear it well...:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
Today's post brought with the bills a box containing a Borsalino bought
on OFAS. No photos yet, fighting with computer,but hat says-
6X, Alfredo Radiconcini
Via del Corso-139
presso Largo Goldani
Vic(or Via) due Macelli-115
Chocolate brown, a "Eulan...
gotta get one of those early machines that will do double-duty-
trepanning, to make sure the head fits, and brim-trimming, to
ensure the hats' fitment. wanna see someone make that up
in the ol' shop...
Great hat! I can see it with an Irish tweed hacking jacket, maybe...that color
is just so hard to find, never mind in a size close to fitting-good score.
That darn hat is so versatile-looks good on just about anyone with a
head on their shoulders; just great design-simple,elegant,functional.
I only spend about every waking hour trying to design something
anywhere close...hence the graying hairs in me beard & wobbly eyes-
WOW. I was hemming & hawing over this when I saw it, didn't think I
could make it look like anything I'd really want to wear, and you went
and scored-that's one sweet looking hat, love the color! If you decide
it isn't you, and you want to...:eusa_clap :eusa_clap
Why not get pictures of the best examples RL has to offer in your style, learn a bit about the fabrics used by his top labels, and go to the tailor? I've got a
wonderful guy in our small city that is a magician-turns thrift items into WOW
items for very reasonable $$; Will be approaching him...
Sweet lookin' hat! Love the color, a little lighter than usual-or is it the lighting?
anyhows-the brim langorously dipping with the addition of the cattleman's bash
make for quite a swingin' combo! Congrats on da hat!
:eusa_doh: There I wuz, asleep in the world do I keep missing
these gems in my size, no less...avarice rears it's head and laughs deep and
long...congrats. on a fine hat. grrrr
:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap congratulations! I didn't want to simply
drive the price up, because it's not my size-7 3/8, would have liked it for
the possibility of resizing, but after all-very glad one of us got it-good work!!
Once again, with seconds to go and ready to up my bid if need be,bam! another
hat whisked away for a nickel more than my bid. Now, I don't mind a good scuffle now and then, but in order to even the playing field and violate my rule
of "fight fair" does one "snipe"? I've been buying for...
yup. it's either a sign of super-quality ephemerally soft linen, or just a cheap
shirt without enough thread count to block all from viewing our lack of 21yr
old body on 52yr old man...I like Brooks Brothers shirts-can't see through 'em,
last forever, and come in several different...
wonderful hat! that's a wild bash-that works ( I think) becomes very
sculptural and flows with the rest of the lines of the hat; not being conven-
tional, with the ribbon size,, maybe the bash was meant to be...
Douglas, you got the eye, my man. Enjoy it!
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