Classic Borsalino homburg. Very very beautiful.Second hat of the day. The first Borsalino of this deal
A classic lobbia Borsalino Qualità Extra Superiore in grey.
Size tagged 5 1/2 so it is 58 centimeter, but not at all, it is a 5 or a 7 US size. No paper label
The production is the Borsalino historical era and the felt and finishes are very well made
The felt is medium-light grey and soft and it was sold inMilan in the fifities
I like in this classical Borsalino homburg the contrasting ribbon and the very well made details
The proportions are: curled brim to 5 cm., Crown to 11 cm. and ribbon at 4 centimeter
The hat is very little used and, apart from the dust, removed, it is perfect
Unpleasantly it is another hat, along with the "Sombrero" show today, that will have to leave since it is a "fez" on my head
PM if you are interested in this classic Borsalino Homburg