Yeah, I’d allow some very early diesels on the RR (but steam would still have to rule). I’m still waiting for the finishing touches on a PA-1 rebuild going on just south of where I live. Here’s a link to it: As for the watch, I have two of those so I’m good to go!Diamondback said:Can't we give "Covered Wagon"-type diesels (GM E- and F-models, Alco FAs, FPAs and PAs, FM Eries and C-Liners) some room too? The early E's were toward the height of Art Deco with those long noses... and the rare PA's (only four left!) have been dubbed "Honorary Steam Locomotives" by most railroad historians.
E's or F's? A triple-E is more impressive at 210' OAL (especially if we're talkin' 210' of old-school New York Central* two-tone-gray Lightning Stripes pulling a 17-car 1948 Twentieth Century Limited), but an F-series triple- or quad-header's easier to put together (and for anything other than flatland running, the F's are better due to traction-motor limitations).chanteuseCarey said:Then my husband and I have to be the town's Lionel toy train reps and salespeople, and build a display module for the big front window of the department store.
What about a real EMD ABA train? I've got the Lionel repro.
Viola said:James, I demand you name your nursery Power's Flowers, is that okay? lol
Viola said:J. Power's Flowers sounds pretty good to me.
Sign me up for seven rosebushes, okay? My front yard needs some beautifyin'!
They probably already know, dear lady--Carberry's reputation precedes him like the storm-surge before a hurricane.Viola said:D'aww. The neighborhood heartbreaker! I'll warn the girls' at the Ladies' Auxilary!![]()
Viola said:J. Power's Flowers sounds pretty good to me.
Sign me up for seven rosebushes, okay? My front yard needs some beautifyin'!
jamespowers said:I think I know of seven that just might work for you. Double Delight, Freckles, Old Port, Baron Girod d'lain, Rumba, Frau Karl Drushki and Distant Drums. You coordinate the colors though.![]()
chanteuseCarey said:How about Lavender Pinocchio for an 'antique' rose (from 1948) instead of Distant Drums? Its a favorite of mine and LP is in DD's parentage I believe. It looks so gorgeous- colors like old faded parchment and faded fabric...
James, we have over 100+ antique and new roses that we grow here, many are antique climbers, we'll offer to help you run the Rose Nursery! Yours will a nursery not just a flower shop right?? If not, then our family will own and run that in the town, like Vintage Gardens in CA, Ashdown Roses in SC, and Antique Rose Emporium in TX .
A GREAT online source for roses is:
chanteuseCarey said:How about Lavender Pinocchio for an 'antique' rose (from 1948) instead of Distant Drums? Its a favorite of mine and LP is in DD's parentage I believe. It looks so gorgeous- colors like old faded parchment and faded fabric...
James, we have over 100+ antique and new roses that we grow here, many are antique climbers, we'll offer to help you run the Rose Nursery! Yours will a nursery not just a flower shop right?? If not, then our family will own and run that in the town, like Vintage Gardens in CA, Ashdown Roses in SC, and Antique Rose Emporium in TX .
A GREAT online source for roses is:
jamespowers said:I looked over your post and realized that I missed a few salient points therein.![]()
You have over 100 roses? Are you a rose nursery? I know they have the San Jose Rose Society down there. Are you a member?
I have gotten roses from all of those concerns you mentioned. I ran over to Vintage Gardens for their open garden days in May. Quite the spread they have. I could live with a set up like that and maybe even a bit bigger.![]()
I love the Help me find website. They have all kinds of information not only on roses. :eusa_clap I still have not obtained a plant of my most saught after rose though---Grenoble or Villa de Grenoble. My grandfather had that red rose in his garden but I have not been successful in finding it anywhere. [huh]![]()
I really love my Madame Edouard Herriot that he grew though.
chanteuseCarey said:fftopic:
Hi jamesp- we are not a rose nursery, our front, back and side yards just look like it! Just for tricks here's a couple of pics of our front yard taken this year in May...
My husband and I even did a lecture on roses at Smith&Hawken at their Los Gatos store last year!
The helpmefind site doesn't show an "available from" on this rose?? Vintage doesn't have it available for custom root either??
jamespowers said:I think I know of seven that just might work for you. Double Delight, Freckles, Old Port, Baron Girod d'lain, Rumba, Frau Karl Drushki and Distant Drums. You coordinate the colors though.![]()