Be more "period" to let the cops do it--I'll even lend the riot-guns and Thompsons (they even had a special, non-penetrating "riot load", but it only worked in the shorty magazines) if necessary...Lady Jessica said:We could have Disneyland park hours. Nine am to midnight or earlier, probably nine am to ten pm... considering ten pm is the polite time to leave other people alone.We can have big gates and I'll get a... whip or something and herd them all out. We can have shops leading out to where we'll have 'visitor parking' and make good money from selling things like shotglasses that say "The Only Vintage Town Still Running".
jamespowers said:Nah, not old nor lol
Can it be any worse than me pre-caffeine, jolted out of a sound slumber and with spastic trigger-fingers on cocked and UNlocked .45s?Viola said:Haha but no one's ever seen me BEFORE THE COFFEE.![]()
Diamondback said:Be more "period" to let the cops do it--I'll even lend the riot-guns and Thompsons (they even had a special, non-penetrating "riot load", but it only worked in the shorty magazines) if
OMG, what kinda hippie crap is that?Viola said:James, I demand you name your nursery Power's Flowers, is that okay? lol
Diamondback said:'Course, I'm sure that it wouldn't be too much trouble to get you sworn in as a "special deputy" if you really wanted to join the me, cuttin' loose with a Chopper is an experience that everyone interested in the Golden Era should be able to have at least once! Rock and Roll, 1920s-style... lol
Try not to like my thinking too much, since I am somewhat... shall we just say "not exactly sane" and leave it at that?
Now playing: John Barry - Gunbarrel/Traction Table/Gassing The Plane/Car Chase
via FoxyTunes
Actually, it's a long story, but I'm actually in a "gray area" on opposite sides of the line between the legal and clinical benchmarks--my psych profs put a great deal of work into inducing a state of "legally sane but clinically nuts" to make me a more effective deterrent to a stalker who was threatening a young lady I once loved. (Would you be ready to take on someone who you had reason to believe was well-armed, highly paranoid and crazy as a loon?Lady Jessica said:Sounds fun, sign me up. Not to worry, as long as you aren't "exactly insane". I'm cool with you being "Not exactly sane".![]()
Lady Jessica said:I apologize, I thought you were only playing.
Can't we give "Covered Wagon"-type diesels (GM E- and F-models, Alco FAs, FPAs and PAs, FM Eries and C-Liners) some room too? The early E's were toward the height of Art Deco with those long noses... and the rare PA's (only four left!) have been dubbed "Honorary Steam Locomotives" by most railroad historians.p51 said:I could be the station agent for the RR station (naturally, the trains have to be steam powered) and command the local national guard unit in town...
p51 said:I could be the station agent for the RR station (naturally, the trains have to be steam powered) and command the local national guard unit in town...