I'm planning on visiting Optimo at some point, and I'd like to visit their southside location, but I probably won't have a car with me in Chicago. Does anyone know if there are any buses that run close to the Western Ave. location?
since we have the open road guild, & the campaign hat corps, i figured we need a Chicago South Side Mobsters. post any & all Chicago Optimo hats in here.
i shall start...
here is an "A" crown in steel gray
close up of the bow
and here is my classic brown coloured raiders hat
i have quite a few others, but i will let others post first...
I see you are from Chesterton. I live in DeMotte. Do you buy your Optimo Hats online or do you go to their store? I would like to visit their store one day. I was wondering which one would be easiest to get to. I really hate driving into Chicago. I am 12 miles from the Lowell exit on 65. I am in Valpo and Chesterton often. If I see a guy walking around who looks like you wearing a fedora I will say hello and offer to buy you a meal. Thanks
I'll keep the L in mind...if you don't mind me asking, what price range was the taxi for that trip?
Beautiful felt and nice ribbon width. Not traveling too far afield color wiseStill in search of the perfect Gray?
Beautiful felt and nice ribbon width. Not traveling too far afield color wiseStill in search of the perfect Gray?