As a noob.. there are some terms I don't know one is "pug". Can you tell me what that is?
Recently won this size 5 1/2 Punti Borsalino.
I wasn't even aware they made hats in 5 1/2. That sounds absolutely... tiny. For a teen or child, I suppose?
Punti is a european sizing system. You see it frequently on Italian and French hats. A punti 5-1/2= A US 7-1/4.
Recently won this size 5 1/2 Punti Borsalino.
I might be in trouble with my wife, but I I just had to have this: . I went over what I was told I could bid by $10, but I would have kicked myself if I didn't give it one last try.
Also picked this up the other day for practically nothing: . It should be coming any day now.
I got this one for a song. It had a disintegrated leather woven band on it that I had to take off. It's in great shape, I stuck a black pug on it the the time being.
I noticed on the front of the sweat there's an insignia of "Slichi", does anyone know what this means?
I also noticed that the front stitching on the sweatband is way different than the rest of the sweat. Is this intentional, or someone trying to fix it?
this is the stitching I was referring to.
I might be in trouble with my wife, but I I just had to have this: . I went over what I was told I could bid by $10, but I would have kicked myself if I didn't give it one last try.
Lots of great hats go right by many members here, including me. About half of my ebay hats have come to me because only one or two others noticed them, keeping the price down.
Posting live auctions is permitted, but most members - at least those who care to comment - are not fans of that policy. When you spot that golden nugget, whisper, don't yell "eureka". Keep it under your Stetson.![]()
I just mean that it's best to keep it to yourself. When you post a find, you've just announced it to more than the members here, you've also announced it to all of the lurkers. There's a chance that this will drive the price higher than it would otherwise go, and the bidders who would want to keep the auction as low profile as possible will not be your biggest fans. This is true whether you believe that the hat is badly listed or not. Sometimes, an auction that's obvious to you is a hidden pearl to someone else.
Again, the policy says to post all the live auctions you want, and you're certainly entitled to do so, but remember that posting a live auction tends to bother anyone who is or would otherwise be in on the action. It's more of a gentlemen's agreement. Sending a PM to a buddy about that hat he's been looking for; that's another story. I think that many of us have done that.